Part 13 - the start of the game

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I started skipping, evenly to the hall, where breakfast was served for people who get up from 4-6AM. It was currently 4:30 and not many people where in the hall but I saw two familiar people sitting at the gryffindor table, who both had ginger hair. The Weasley Twins. I walked towards the gryffindor table with many stares at me, but I swear everyone stares at me now..

"Hey, your the Wealsey Twins, right?" I said sitting next to them, who had now turned to me with smiles on their faces

"Yep! And you must be-" Fred starts saying but George continuing

"The famous Grace Malfoy-" George says

"We've been hearing about." They said finishing their sentences

"Sure, I don't know if I'm famous but I'm Grace Malfoy." With a hand out to shake hands with each other

"So I heard you and Fred started a joke shop" I said looking at George who looked shocked

"Wait, how did you know I'm George?" George asked

"because George is has shorter hair then Fred" I joked. They both gave frowns and thought I was telling the truth

"kidding Weasleys" I said shaking my head with a smile

"but how?" Fred says

"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a piece of toast to spread butter and Jam.

The Weasley twins kept testing me who-was-which-Wealsey and I kept getting the right answers. They were both very entertainingly funny, the Weasley twins told me about their joke shop and they were thinking about making a new toy, that could write answer's for you in class, while you relax. I laughed here and then but realized it was close to 5AM.

"Well, it's been very great, spending time with you both, but I have to get going." I said sadly, leaving the funniest entertainment I've seen all day.

"Where you going?" George asked

"Well, I'm going to teach Harry how to do Quidditch, along with Ron and Hermione. I don't think you'd like to watch since it'll be boring but..." I said mesmerizing the whole idea on what I was going to show Harry.

"We'd like to come, if you don't mind?" Fred asked

"We can help teach Harry too. We play as the beaters but that alright. " George added. I smiled happily at the twins and nodded

"Great! Now lets get to the field before it everyone else does" I skipped grabbing the twins hands and dragged them to the field.

I saw Hermione with Harry and Ron coming towards the field. I waved at them with the twins behind me, also waving. Ron frowned but I laughed.

"what are they doing here?" Ron demanded. Fred and George mimicked Ron as I started talking

"Fred and George offered to help me teach with Harry." I said smiling at them. Ron just shook his head in disappointment and went along with it. Hermione and Ron sat on the bench while Harry grabbed his broom and- wait! That's a firebolt, Nimbus 2000! It's the newest and fastest broom in the wizarding community at the moment!

"Harry? Where did you get the new Nimbus 2000 from?!" I said with wide eyes at the broom

"Oh yeah, I got it as a present from Dumbledore" Harry said showing his broom

"Woah" The twins said in unison

"That's nice of him" I said and then continued.

I showed Harry some skills how to dodge the flying-hard ball (from last time, I hit it). I also showed him what you should do, if another seeker who comes behind you and try's to nock you out of the way. Fred and George showed Harry how to block someone from getting the snitch and they showed a cool move were you can catch the snitch, by flipping over on your broom! It was a lot of fun. I learnt a couple of moves the Weasley's used to demonstrate Harry and I.

As time went by, people slowly came to the field to watch us and get ready for the first big game of Quidditch this year. It was very nerve-racking to see more and more and more people come watch us train for the big game. Until we were separated for the game. I was shaking my hands up and down to get the nerves off but it only worked slightly, then out of no-where Draco came in.

"Draco?" I asked him. He turned around and ran to me

"Grace!" was all he said..

"What are you doing here? We're about to start." I said pulling him away, where many stares, had stared at us. What is their problem?

"I had to talk to father." he said patting his robe in place

"he's outside?" I said smiling at him

"mhm, he's expecting we win" Draco said to me, suddenly I lost my smile. He's only here to see Slytherin win, not his daughter...

"oh...well that's definitely not more pressuring...." I shook my hands again to shake my nerves out

he started lowering my hand with his cold one and started to talk again

"it's fine, you'll do good out there" he says encouraging me but, then I got very nervous when I heard a girl talking about Slytherins outside.

I hugged him tight, still shaking my hands out of the way and put my hands through my hair, a little stressed.

"Come on, I'll be cheering you on the loudest" he said smirking at me. I attempted to smile but sheepishly had me putting my hands on my face to make a smile.

We heard the girl referee announce us 'the slithering slytherin's' and then I took a deep breath, waved at Draco and walked with my team on the field.

We went out of the tent waving at everyone to hear loud cheers from all the Slytherin's up on their seats. They, sure were yelling their lungs out on a couple of 'GO SLYTHERIN's and a couple of 'WOOH's and other screams.

I heard familiar unison voice cheering my name and looked towards that direction. The Weasleys. I chuckled at them and saw Hermione cheering with Ron, waving their arms in the air when I saw them. I waved a small wave and laughed again. Then we all went onto our brooms in the air, at our positions.

Why did seekers have to be at the front? At least Fred and George showed us where we needed to go before the game started because if we weren't...then I would be screwed. The referee announced the gryffindors now and all the gryffindors cheered in response.

I merely and automatically clapped for them as they entered the pitch in the air but one of the slytherin girls hissed at me to stop. I glared at her and stopped when I wanted to, which was when I saw Harry. He looked more nervous then me but I gave him a small smile and mouthed him "good luck". he nodded and mouthed "you too".


next chapter :) 

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