Part 18 - dream...

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I woke up again early, around 4am. I rubbed my eyes, tiredly in the darkness, and tip toed to the bathroom. I got brushed my teeth, washed my face and brushed my hair softly, causing it to turn silky. I put my rings on and got into my uniform, whilst packing my luggage, since it's the last day of first year. 

I put my big luggage in the common room, near the door, and I skipped around Hogwarts again, walking around the school and eventually went back to my common room to see everyone awake and packing. 

I lazily sat on the dark, leather couch leaning my head against it, whilst spreading my legs everywhere, to claim it. I closed my eyes, relaxed, until I felt someone ruffling my hair. I sat up so quickly I got a little dizzy and snapped my head at...Draco. 

"hey!" I said patting my hair in place and grabbed a piece of paper on a desk, aiming at his head. He looked at me smirking, when I hit his head with paper. I just stuck my tongue at him and then left the common room.

I walked towards the hall to find everything decorated in, over the top gold everywhere for Christmas spirit. I rolled my eyes, then saw Ron and Harry playing magic chess. I hopped beside Harry and started talking.

"So, who's winning?" I asked with a hand on my cheek, bored.

"I am, of course" Ron said proudly. Harry rolled his eyes in concentration. I looked around the hall, bored out of my mind to see Hermione with her luggage, walking towards us.

"Hey 'Mione" I said smiling, and waved at her. She waved back at us and sat next to Ron, with her luggage behind her. Hermione stared at the chess interested on the chess bored, as I fidgeted with my rings boredly. I think Ron's queen hit Harry's knight, because I turned to see a figure hit another. Ron smiled gladly as Harry groaned.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said making a face at Ron

"That's wizards chess" Ron said, and then looked behind Hermione "I see you've packed" Ron said eyeing the luggage.

"I see you haven't" Hermione said with eyebrows up. I laughed at Hermione's come back and ir made Ron frown.

"Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania, to visit my brother Charlie. He's there studying dragons. " Ron said explaining

"good. You can help Harry then. He's going to go to the library for information on Nicolas Flamel" Hermione said smiling

"We've looked looked a hundred times!" Ron exclaimed

"not in the restricted section" Hermione said lowering her voice and then took her luggage with her, walking away while telling us "Happy Christmas". I sighed boredly about this Nicolas Flamel guy, doesn't sound that interesting to me.

"I think we've got a bad influence on her" Ron said hovering in to us. I rolled my eyes smirking.

"Well I have to go, I hope you both have a great Christmas and you both better write back to my letters." I said smiling at Harry and then patted Ron's head

"See you guys next year!" I said waving to them as they waved goodbye.

I walked towards the common room, grabbing my luggage and saw Draco waiting for me to join him, on the way home. 


Draco and I got home and jumping onto the couch in the living room exhausted. I saw mother come to the living room and hug us both very tight. I missed mother more then I thought I would...honestly it felt good to be at home. 

It's been a couple of days from leaving Hogwarts so I decided to write Harry, Hermione and Ron individual letters, asking how they were and what I had been up to these days...Not much honestly, just been outside in the large garden, outside of the Malfoy Manor, playing with flowers in the warm weather...

I gave my letters to Loopy (my owl) and patted her gently with a warm smile and I got up from the couch to make a sandwich, but I was stopped by my father.

"Grace..." Father said to me, leaning on his walking stick

"Yes?" I looked up to him

"There's something I want to tell you, about next years arrangement..." He said slowing his sentence. I stared at him with confusion and a frown.

" can tell me while I make myself a sandwich" I said walking to the kitchen. He pursed his lips and followed me. I grabbed the bread, with ham and cheese while he started to talk.

"So, I know you love Hogwarts but you won't be able to go next year.." He said looking down with a expressionless face. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"why?" I said trying to keep my anger and confusion 

"you can go back to Hogwarts the year after but I'll have to teach you for next year." He said looking at me. I knew he wasn't going to let me say anymore so I angrily ignored him.

"fine. But I'm going back, as soon as possible." I said tightening my eyes. I made my sandwich and grumpily walked upstairs in my room frustrated. I don't want to leave my friends...I won't have company for, what seems a long time. 

I took my anger onto pieces of paper, scrunching them all up, filling my room with paper on the floor. I groaned and dug into my pillow and blankets, trying to hide myself in here, I slowly drifted to sleep and saw a teen boy with brown, wavy hair and slytherin robes

Hello? Who are you? I said towards the figure, he turned around with a serious face- and now a shocked one

How are you here? He asked me

I'm guessing this is a dream... I muttered and walked towards the boy

Only powerful wizards can enter here when they're sleeping...You- your too young to be here. The boy said

huh? Who are you? I said confused

Tom Riddle. Tom said eyeing me in suspicion. I held a hang out and introduced myself

Grace Malfoy, nice to meet you Tom. I said nodding, waiting for him to shake it but he nodded and avoided the gesture, I slowly put my hand down and looked around me. It looked like the sewers or a chamber...

where are we Tom? I asked casually, he didn't believe how I acted to him so I looked at him confused Are you okay? I asked furrowing my brows. He shook his head and responded

the chamber of secrets...I'm here waiting, for Harry Potter to visit me at this very spot when the times ready...though I don't know how your here? Tom said looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. Only powerful Slytherin's can enter here... Tom said continuing

I don't know why I'm here either...wait you said Harry Potter?! What are you going to do to him? I said backing away slowly. He smiled at me, backing away but then walked towards a statue of a snake...

you'll see... Tom said stroking the statue that moved into a snake now

w-what? I said with wide eyes

I woke up with gasping and worry from that awful dream... I looked around my room panicky but then heard footsteps come to my room. I grabbed my wand from my desk straight away and faced the door. The door opened and Draco looked at me confused and worried. I sighed in relief and put my wand down.

"what's wrong Grace? I heard you gasping really loud" Draco said looking at me

"go back to sleep, Draco" I said looking down sleepily and muttered to him

"what? No." He said tilting his head to see my face

"bad dream, go to sleep. I'll talk you about it in the morning about it." I said waving my hand away to him

"okay..." Draco walked out of the room and I dumped my body into my bed, getting comfortable again...


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