Part 6 - sport class

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I quickly ran outside towards the huge field, everyone with their brooms and went beside Draco trying to avoid small talk with the teacher, why I was late but it seems I wasn't stealthy enough because the teacher called me out loudly getting everyone's attention.

"Where have you been Miss Malfoy" the teacher said not looking behind her to look a me

"I had to privately speak to Professor Snape" I said looking at the brooms and not at the faces I felt staring at me...everyone really can't stop staring at my face? Can no one really not look at my face? It was mainly the boys who always stared...they're acting like perves now...The teacher now turned to me.

"look at me when your talking" she said strictly, geez she was talking to me with her back towards me when she asked where I was before... I just continued to look at the grass

"Miss Malfoy, if you don't then I'll send you to detention" fine, she won, but this doesn't mean it'll be the last time I do this. I looked her in the eyes and said

"what now" I said annoyed by the fact she did the same thing to me when she talked to me

"don't give me attitude Miss Malfoy or I'll send you anyways" she said in her strict tone

"okay, what's your name?" I said out of nowhere to change the subject of me getting in trouble

"Madame Hooch and I will be your quidditch teacher for this year" great...we're with the yellowed eye grandma...whatever I'll live eventually...Madame Hoot Hoot or whatever her name is, continued talking about the rules and blah blah blah...

I turned to see an audience around me, all the boys not containing their staring problems but but this one boy who was paying attention but the grass... "perves" I muttered to the boys who were gazing to me, all the girls payed attention to the teacher until the boys froze in their spots not moving, as the teacher turned around to them since they were still looking at me.

"What are you all staring at?" Hoot Hoot said turning towards the direction they all looked at, to see me...I teasingly turned behind me to see no one

"what is everyone staring at? I don't see anything" I said smirking to the boys who had now blushed and looked back at the teacher, some of them blushed looking at the floor but Harry was the one who didn't break the gaze on me, I winked at him to put him back in reality and instantly he stared at the floor embarrassed slightly blushing. I turned towards the teacher with a smirk on my face as she continued talking.

"Okay boys, I know your getting bored since I'm explaining the rules but that isn't a excuse to go looking.." Madame Hooch turned to, eyeing me suspiciously and back to the boys "anywhere you like.." some of the girls giggled and then Draco started giving death stares to all the boys who looked at me.

I chuckled at Draco's overprotective side and pushed him playfully, lightly shaking my head when I saw what he was doing. He just went nudged me lightly on my shoulder grinning and whispered

"You have quite a lot of admirers" I frowned but then grinned and said 

"Well I know I'm not the only one with admirers" and pointed my head to the pug looking girl apparently called 'Pansy Parkinson' but I rather call her pug-girl from her chubby cheeks and big eyes, she was already on bad terms with me. Draco eyes widened and said

"Merlin no, she scares the hell out me. She smothers me!" Draco shivered by the thought and shook his head violently, I just chuckled at his reaction.

"Well thats a no" I said chuckling with Draco until the teacher spoke higher for everyone to hear

"Okay everyone, now that the rules are done, I want everyone to stand up to the left side of your broom sticks" no one moved.. "well come on now, go to the left side of your broom and say 'up'" she said impatiently. Everyone stood next to their broom sticks on the side and waited for their next instruction 

"stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'" she said gesturing her hand towards her broom stick

"up" I said, being the first to get it in my hands straight away with no effort. Everyone looked so shocked for me to do it first try, while everyone kept trying to get it in their hands. 

I looked up to see if anyone had done it yet but no one had done any progress until I looked at Harry who had his broom in his hands instantly when he said 'up'. Draco got it first try too, so I high-fived with him as Crabbe and Goyle said "nice" smirking with Draco. I patiently stood up with my broom in my hand, twisting my feet around as well as playing with my nails waiting for everyone.

Harry's POV:

Grace just stood there playing with her nails and feet while everyone was talking or working to get their brooms in they're hands, it took longer then I expected for everyone to get their brooms up before Grace, Draco...and I. 

I saw Grace high-five Malfoy with his goons. She's so utterly, hopelessly...pretty...and cute...I couldn't stop looking away from her as well as the other boys but I don't think she even bothered who the other boys were and only recognized me because when I kept gazing into her direction and she would always give me her glittering grey eyes and her sweet friendly smile...I can't just help but to think I like her...I just meet her today Harry! don't be stupid, we're just friends...but does she think we're just friends?

Stupid Harry, we're in first year, you need to be a man with Grace...Now that I think of it Grace Malfoy really has the impact of making any boy blush, aside from her annoying, petty, bully-faced brother Draco Malfoy. He really push's my button with Hermione and Ron, but I try to ignore him like Hermione does. He's probably just jealous I refused to be friends with him.


(I made the characters 13 in the book so there can be some drama going on) The next chapter is more interesting, I promise. Enjoy <3

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