Part 14 - Quidditch game

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"3....2....1...GO!" Madam Hooch says unlocking the balls as well as the snitch

I see the snitch, twitch back and forth from me to Harry and repeating until it went down. Then instantly I followed it while Harry went up looking around, poor Harry...OH come on! Someone pushed me, with their shoulder on the gryffindor team, while I flipped over and lost the snitch!

"TEN POINTS FOR GRYFFINDOR" the girl-referee said on the microphone, changing the scores now. Dammit, she might be a beater. awhh! I could have gotten the snitch there! At the start of the game! Great...

I saw Harry cheering on but almost fell on his broom from cheering to hard with his arms. I chuckled at his reaction nudging his arm gently. I could hear many cheering, at the point I didn't know if I could hear myself, really...In my mind, it's quite hard to think while I get pushed around...

"...Lee of Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle and then passes it to Captain Marcus Flint..." I see a big guy on a broom doubt but the ugliest, overlapping teeth as if he was a goblin...He ducks and dodges some people who attempt to take the Quaffle and...kick someone?! No one's going to do anything?! Wow this game is literally a 'game of death'.

And he scor- HEY WHO DODGED OUR BALL! Awhh! Freaking Oliver plays on gryffindor?! No fair! Flint gave Oliver a death glare, while Oliver shrugged and winked at me. I giggled, how did he know I was here? bahabha, but sure hell, it was funny to see Flint miss! I mean he was the one who kicked someone, so I guess 'karmas a b!tch'.

"ANOTHER POINT TO GRYFFINDOR!" I heard someone say

..great...we're losing and then the trip for father here, was a waste...well, I'm going to see if I can at least get the snitch this round...

Everyone continued flying and trying to score, while I saw the snitch. It was with Harry! Harry saw it move from side to side and then Oliver falls...He was hit by Flint. Omg, this Flint boy, might be on my team but boy, he has some nerve! I saw Harry get disturbed by Flint and how we were scoring, so I thought it would be a good time to find the snitch. I mean Harry's distracted so..?

I moved around the field looking for the snitch until I heard someone call my name. Pansy. What does she want now?

"GRACE, THERE!" pansy pointed to me for the snitch and I followed it in a flash. I felt Harry behind me but I was determined to get the snitch.

I had to duck a couple of times, because the ball kept coming near me but other from that it was quite fun, play Quidditch-

Harry. His broom was going crazy, what's happening?! I looked around for Hermione and Ron who were just as confused until Hermione, frantically called out my name, pointing to someone at the teachers...because Hermione, Harry and Ron were suspicious of Snape, I mouthed "Snape?" and she nodded


I knew exactly what I needed to do. Set Snape's robe as a distraction so Harry's broom, wouldn't go crazy and he would hurt himself. Harry was now hanging onto the broom with his hands! I dashed towards the teachers area and set Snape's robe on fire, whispering

"Lacarnum Inflarmari" I whispered with my wand out and then saw the robe catch on fire.

I flew away from the fire now focusing on Harry. Harry's broom wasn't moving, crazy now so he hopped back on and relief filled my system. I saw that the teachers got scared and jumped up on Snape's robe as they tried to put it out. Sudden cheers come out from Gryffindor, as some of them jumped up and down screaming for Harry.

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