chapter four

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As we pulled up to Rossi's house, I could feel my heart practically beating out of my chest. I mean, yes I did look absolutely stunning, but ten million other scenarios ran through my head of what could possibly happen. Good and bad ones. Once I put the car in park, we all hopped out looking like the true baddies of the BAU that we were.

"Damn, we are hot." I said, as we burst out in laughter.

"Shall we?" JJ said, motioning her hand to Rossi's front door.

"Oh, we shall." Tara replied, leading us in. Garcia rang the doorbell, which was answered by, you guessed it, her. At that moment, I tried to turn around and leave, but of course Kate grabbed my arm as I attempted to escape.

"Oh no girl, you are not getting out of this that easily."

"Ugh fine!" I responded, walking in. We all headed to the kitchen where the rest of the team awaited us.

"Finally, the party is here!" Hotch said, smiling at us.

"I didn't know you cleaned up this well Abbielou." Morgan said, playfully punching my arm.

"Hey! I can get fancy!" I said, pouring myself a glass of wine. I couldn't help but constantly look over at Spencer nearly the entire night. He was practically glued to Seaver, following her wherever.

"So, how was your date with boy wonder earlier?" Morgan asked, grabbing my attention. I guess Spencer hadn't even told Morgan about Seaver and him. I mean, judging by the fact that he just told me today, I was the first to know. Besides maybe Hotch, whom he probably asked to sign off on the relationship approval form that the bureau always requested for new couples.

"I told you, it wasn't a date. I mean, you've seen us go and grab coffee all the time, why would this week's outing make it a date?"

"I don't know, I mean you never head straight to Garcia's office after coming back. So what happened?" Even though I trusted Derek with my life, I didn't want to tell him, even though he would eventually find out.

"Nothing. I mean, why would you think that something happened?" I replied, looking down at the ground as my heartbeat began to speed up. My eyes, burned with tears.

"Just know, when you are ready to talk, I'll be here." I shook my head, trying to avoid dragging out this conversation, knowing that he could profile my feelings.

"Dinner is almost ready." Blake said, walking into the living room. I followed her out to the backyard, where we all sat down at the table. It felt almost as if we were one big family.

"Here's to being together again." Rossi said, holding up his glass, followed by the rest of us.

"Cheers!" Kate said, just a bit drunk.

The night seemed to pass by, as I tried my best to distract myself from Spencer. I was doing well, until I found myself sitting alone with my thoughts on Rossi's front steps. I just sat there, trying my best to hold back my tears so I wouldn't ruin my makeup.

"Hey. Why are you out here all alone?" Blake asked, joining me on the steps.

"I don't know. It's just been too much for me."

"If you want to talk about it, I will always be here to listen."

"Thank you Alex, I always appreciate it."

"Now come on. Let's go back and join the party." Blake said, standing up, grabbing my hand to help me up. We both walked back to the rest of the team, joining them as music played for us to dance to. I tried my best not to focus on Spencer dancing with her, as I remembered all the times we danced together in his apartment, drunk as could be.

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