A Moment in the Cabin

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A/N: The first three chapters are written in past tense style but will switch to present tense after chapter 3. I cleaned this up as much as I could before posting it. I hope you enjoy this story!!!


The campus had been quiet for a few days, so I took the opportunity to spend some time with Roza. After the incident in the caves, Rose had barely left my side for more than a few minutes and both of us are restless with lack of stimulation. Well, not a complete lack of physical stimulation. Dr. Olendzki had stressed to me that I needed to take it easy for a few days until I was back to full strength and Rose had made it her job to make sure I did so. I never would have thought Rose would be so persistent with me, but I guess this is what it felt like when I hovered over her anytime she got hurt.

I looked down at her sleeping on my chest, her dark curls covered the part of her back that wasn't covered by the quilt. The way she slept so heavily it became clear to me that that was probably the first time she had sleep peacefully in a long time. I gently brushed her hair off her face and caressed her with the back of my hand. The nasty gash that once presided diagonally across her left eye had finally healed up but left a sliver of a scar there - a dark reminder of what she risked for me.

But, if our roles were reversed, I would have done the same thing. Protocols be damned.

I don't know what hurt more; the fear I felt when I was pulled down or the sound of Rose screaming my name as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. I don't remember much of what happened, my memory had been clouded from the haze of the bite, but I do remember seeing her eyes boring down at me and her lips moving soundlessly as she tugged on my arms for me to get up. I vaguely remember stumbling back to the academy with Rose a few steps in front of me and Alto two steps behind, but the moment I crossed the ward line my adrenaline crash and I blacked out.

Dr. Olendzki told me that Rose was like a Pitbull when they tried to remove her from my hospital room, she kicked up a fuss and even swung at one of the Guardians that tried to remove her. Albert had to step in and have her sedated because they couldn't calm her down but left her to sleep on a cot across from me. When I regained consciousness, it was Alberta's eyes that I met, and she looked from me to the sleeping form of Rose before raising an eyebrow. It was clear then that Alberta knew the extent of our relationship but she confided in me that she had had her suspicions long ago, and convinced the other Guardians that it was a mixture of adrenaline, fear, and Rose's overall attitude that made her react the way she did.

"Stop watching me sleep, it is weird."

I smirked as Rose cracked her eye open and looked up at me wearily. I ran my hand over her hair as the other hand rested over the small of her back. The air in the cabin was cold, but the feeling of her hot, naked flesh pressed against mine under the quilt fought away most of the chill. "It's hard not to watch you, it's like watching an angel," I joked, and she rolled her eyes at me. She shuffled around under the blanket and moved to lay directly on top of me, her smooth legs intertwining with mine and her face found purchase in the crook of my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and pressed my face into her hair. I breathed in her scent deeply. "I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for what you did, but it was incredibly stupid," I murmured into her silk locks and she pinched my right pectoral.

I hissed and jumped at the gesture and she pressed her lips against my neck. "I saved your life. I was not going to watch you die; you would have done the same thing for me," she grumbled as she tucked her leg up higher around me, her knee resting against my hip. Her squirming against my skin was not doing anything to prevent my blood flowing below the waist and I groaned as she rocked against me with a giggle.

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