Good Girl

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I could get used to this, walking up to Rose curled up beside me. I would never tell her this, but the sight of seeing her wild hair in the morning made my heart swell. Although, I don't understand how she is sleeping comfortably in the position that she is in; laying on her stomach with no pillow and her hands wedged between her hipbones and the mattress, her face pressed into the sheets and she snores quietly.

I reach out and brush her hair away from her face, admiring the peace that has settled onto her face while she slumbers. After watching almost an entire season of Vikings last night we fell asleep after we barely dressed for bed. The one downside of the Guardian housing is that the A/C was terrible and being that it is mid-July, the building is hot. So, I stripped down to boxers and Rose did similar, stealing a pair of my boxers from the dresser and putting them on. Not going to lie though, she looks enticing in them.

I lean down and kiss her temple softly while forcing myself to hold in my laugh when she growls at me before she turns her face further into the mattress and kicks the blankets off her heated body. I hover over her and press soft kisses along her spine before jumping out of bed and wandering to the coffee maker, staring at it as if my staring will make the caffeinated concoction will brew faster.

The blissful quiet is disrupted when a fist pounds against the door and I sigh, rubbing my hand over my face as I approach the door and open it. I barely get a greeting out before the door is shoved open and a body forces their way into the room.

"Look, I have tried to be subtle, but you are infuriating," Tasha exclaims, and I shush her, but my gesture falls on deft ears. "I don't know what delusion you have going on in that head of yours, but Rose was your student. Any romantic interest she showed you was probably so you would give her a better grade. You should be focusing your attention on someone who genuinely wants you."

I huff and move past her to put on a pair of sweatpants, cursing myself for not putting them on when I got out of bed. I close the door between the rooms, but Tasha follows hotly on my trail and busts into the room. Tasha opens her mouth again to add to her rant, but her eyes fall on the naked back of Rose and Tasha stops in her tracks. Tasha takes in Rose's boxer clad body before her eyes flick up to mine and she lets out an irritated growl.

"You're sleeping with her?!" Tasha demands and Rose flinches awake, but I move to pull the sheet up over her to protect her modesty.

"Tasha, I think it's best if you leave. I will come and find you later," I say bluntly. Tasha looks between Rose and me before stamping her foot with a groan and walking out of the bedroom, slamming the front door in her wake.

I drop the pair of sweatpants to the floor and look over at Rose who has pushed up on her elbows with tired eyes. "What just happened?" Rose grumbles as she lifts a hand to rub her eye. I sigh and lay down on the bed next to her, pressing a light kiss to her shoulder.

"Tasha barged in," I grumble. Rose huffs and lays back down, pulling the pillow over her head and kicking the sheets back off her body. I rest my hand on the dip of her lower back and she hums lightly. "If that is coffee you are brewing; I demand a cup of it. I wasn't excepting an unwanted wake-up call."


Christian is trying to hold back his laughter, but he snorts and breaks into a fit of mirth. I groan and rest my head against the cupboard in front of me and waits for him to finish.

"You're telling me that my Aunt barged into your room and threw a fit because Rose was in your bed?" Christian chortles and I groan again with a weak chuckle. After the incident this morning, we left for work and Christian offered up to make breakfast for us all while Lissa and Rose slipped out to the patio with their coffees.

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