Christopher Turing

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I lean back in the cushioned seat and watch Rose as she fidgets, trying to get into a comfortable position. I place my hand on her knee and squeeze it, making her still and look up at me. "Are you going to be alright? We are halfway through the flight," I chuckle. Rose huffs and crosses her arms across her chest, kicking her feet up onto the seat in front of her.

"Yeah, I just have a horrible headache and I can't get comfortable."

I lift the armrest between us and pull her close to me, gently pulling her down to rest her head on my shoulder. "Hopefully the medication kicks in soon," I suggest and Rose shrugs. She wraps her arm around my waist and snuggles closer, draping her legs over my lap.

"You never did tell me what was causing so much tension at dinner last week," Rose says and I tense a little. I was hoping she would let it go and I didn't have to worry her.

I run my fingers through her long curls as I gather my thoughts on the matter. "Tasha filed a complaint with Guardian Headquarters. She made a complaint that our relationship started earlier than we have said and that there was an abuse of power. The report was vulgar and vindictive, to say the least. We haven't spoken since our fight," I explain. Rose lifts her head from my shoulder with a furious expression on her face.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Rose jumps up from her seat and paces the aisle, chewing at her fingers.

I sit and watch her pace, muttering to herself under her breath but I can't make out what she is saying. As she walks past me again, I pull her into my lap and cup her face in my hands. "Rose, take a breath. You're going to pass out."

"Is she trying to ruin you? How horrible of a person do you have to be to file a complaint like that about a friend? Someone she claims to care for?" She asks sullenly. I frown at her expression because those are questions I have been thinking myself, but just chalk it up to Tasha being petty.

Rose rests her head against my chest, tucking herself under my chin and squeezing my hand. I guess she was serious about threatening your careers," Rose grumbles to herself. I kiss the top of her head and try to punch down my own frustration about the situation. If it ever got out that Rose and I were in a relationship before graduation it would ruin her reputation and careers, along with mine and I could be looking at jail time.

"I will do everything I can to make sure this doesn't affect you. I promise Roza."


Rose is bouncing in her seat as we taxi down the runway and the moment the pilot says we can take our seatbelts off, and she grabs her duffle bag and flies to the door. The Moroi attendant chuckles at Rose's excitement as she opens the door and Rose jumps down the stairs into the waiting arms of Alberta.

I step from the plane at a normal pace and listen to the two women chatter enthusiastically with each other. "God, you've only be gone for a few months, but you look so grown up!" Alberta says with a large smile, squeezing Rose's arms as she pulls back from the hug.

Alberta looks up over Rose's head to meet my gaze and gives me a kind smile. "Thank you so much for coming. I know that it was last minute, but you two were the only two I could think of that could help," Alberta says kindly and nod.

"Happy to help."

I was shocked when Alberta called Christmas morning asking for help, but knew I couldn't turn it down so I spoke to Christian the next morning and he said he had no problems with releasing me for a few weeks to the Academy. Albert also asked if Rose would be able to come as well and Lissa agreed just as quickly as Christian. They both have temporary Guardians until Lissa and Rose return to Lehigh.

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