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Toby does not want to be settled and he doesn't want his soother either. Christian gives us a sympathetic smile as Rose and I try to soothe Toby, but he's teething and miserable. Lissa comes bustling into the living room and scoops Toby out of Rose's arms, setting him in her lap and squirting a gel onto her finger before rubbing it against his gums.

"Liss? What are you doing?"

Lissa smiles at us as she continues to rub her finger against Toby's swollen gums.

"Orajel. Honest to God, it's the best thing I've ever bought. Lydia was a terror when she started teething and this stuff numbs the gums. It's safe for the baby too," Lissa explained. I look to Rose whose forehead is wrinkled in concern. Lissa lifts Toby up and cooes at him, telling him he's going to feel much better soon before handing him back to us. Rose tucks Toby up against her and runs his back, rocking from side to side gently. Hopefully, the movement will put him to sleep as he barely has slept in the last few days.

"How do you feel about tomorrow?" Christian asks, resting his arm against the back of the couch. I shake my head and sigh, scratching the side of my head.

"Not looking forward to it, but I want to know what happens. I don't think the court won't let Tasha get by with a slap of the wrist this time."

"Why do you say that?" Lissa asks, leaning into Christian while turning up the volume on the baby monitor. When we got here they had just put Lydia down.

"Because Tasha shot a royal, a direct relative to the Queen. Sure, Randall is an outcast, but he's still royal," Rose interjects. She's right though, Randall is Tatiana's nephew and it would look bad if a royal got away with harming another royal.

Lissa nods in understanding and twirls a strand of hair between her fingers. "DO you think they'll give her a harsh sentencing?"

"Who knows," Rose replied, tucking her legs up underneath her.

I look over to Christian and see the peculiar look on his face.

"You ok?"

"Yea. I just don't even recognize her anymore, you know?"


Rose slides into her seat just as the proceedings start, huffing a sigh as she settles in. I raise my brow at her and she shakes her head.

"Toby did not want to be left at Mia's. He had a complete meltdown."

I nod and intertwine my hand with hers, giving her a comforting squeeze. The room quiets down as the Queen takes her place next to the judge and the trial begins. It's different than any court proceeding I've ever seen. Any of them that I've been to they prosecute each defendant individually, but in this case, they're doing both at the same time while doing a cross-claim. The judge lays out the charges; abduction to Tasha, attempted murder to Tasha, accessory to Randall.

It's clear the cross-claim is for Randall, as he was shot during the events. It is also very clear that Randall is testifying against Tasha. I'm surprised more charges haven't been laid, but I guess blackmail against a man who owes a lot money to people is being overlooked.

Tasha doesn't have a leg to stand on, there's just too much evidence against her for her to get out of this. Randall gets off a lot easier than Tasha and is given two years in general population with a chance of probation, while Tasha is given thirty years. I would have preferred if she got more time, but it is what it is.

I watch the two be lead away, and I end up catching Randall's eye. He stops and the Guardian leading him away tugs on his arm a bit, but with a subtle nod of his head to me, he was gone. Tasha seems to be resisting but the Guardians pull her away quickly and I squeeze Rose's hand. It's over, for now.

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