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It's rare moments like this that I take for granted. Moments of complete stillness. I carefully roll onto my side and watch her sleep, taking in the dark circles under her eyes. We were fortunate that Toby slept through the night and I woke on my own despite the quietness. I raise my hand and brush a wayward curl away from her face, but sadly my touch is enough to wake her. Rose's eyes snap open and a small smile crosses her face before she sits up.

"Oh my God!" she exclaims as she goes to whip the blankets off her legs. I chuckle and pull her back down.

"Toby is fine. I checked on him when I woke up. He's still asleep."

Rose frowned for a moment before relaxing against me with a sigh. "Wow, for once our son takes after me and enjoys his sleep," she murmured. I shake my head and kiss the side of her head. If only our son loved to sleep as much as his mother does. Rose pushes herself up on her elbow with a smirk.

"Toby's still asleep."

I raise my brow at her and nod my head, trying to figure out what she's getting at. Rose bites down on her lip and rolls on top of me, resting her knees on either side of me. She leans in to kiss me, her smirk still plastered there. I anchor her to me by her hips and give myself over to her, slipping my tongue between her lips. Rose groans quietly and pulls away to pull her shirt over her hand and I let my eye wander over her.

"What are the chances of us getting a quickie?" Rose murmurs against my lips, gently rocking herself against me. I slide my hands up her back and cup her neck, growling as she shivers in my hands. We've been together for years, married for almost a year, and she still responds at a simple touch.

I don't respond in voice but I push Rose onto her back and sit up, gripping her panties and pulling them down. She kicks them off when they reach her ankles and I stand to pull my pants off. Three months of next to no satisfaction and I'm already excited. I get back onto the bed with her, resting on my knees while she clammers into my lap, an excited giggle coming from her lips.

Our movements are rushed and heated, hands caressing each other, mouths locked as we move together. I lift her up and lay her back down on the bed, hiking her legs up around my hips as I work my way towards both of our blisses. They come quickly and violently, making Rose scream out in pleasure. I follow behind quickly and bury my face into her neck, resting my fists beside her head.

Rose turns and nuzzles her face against the side of my head, sighing happily when noise crackles through the baby monitor. I chuckle and push up on my elbows and kiss the top of her head.

"Apparently your son doesn't like to sleep as much as you do," I say, pulling away from her. Rose laughs and throws a pillow at me as I pull on a pair of sweatpants. I shake my head and toss it back to her before going into the nursery.


"So, how does it feel to be a full-fledged dad?" Daniel asks, handing me a beer. I take it with a thank you and take a sip. Kaitlynn, Rose and the kids went out and Daniel and I thought it would be good to get together for a bit. He's been working a lot of overtime and I'm still on nights at the club.

"Good. I'm loving it, actually," I say with a smirk, leaning back into the chair. Daniel nods as he sips his beer too, tilting his head back to rest on the couch. The silence is nice, something that I have always found comforting. It's not the same as Christian and I sitting back and having a beer, but the company is still nice.

"Hey, who is that guy that I keep seeing at your place?"


"What do you mean?" I ask, setting the bottle down on the coffee table. Daniel sits up and wipes the back of his hand across his mouth. "There's this guy around a lot. Tall, not quite as tall as you, but really thin too. Honestly, he seemed a little drunk at one point. He looks like you a bit, but the hair is lighter and he's paler than you."

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