9.They say believe what your eyes see

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Cassandra's P.O.V

All thanks to Ty I got a A+ and review from the Prof.If baby hadn't spend extra time with me,I guess this wouldn't have happened but that's the thing of Ty,he's a amazing guy.Even though he is my professor he's still my boyfriend and I think that's why I love him.Yeah, we have to not drag attention to our relationship but he still shows me love even when we're in class.And God when he's serious,just hot.Seriously he's such a distraction and he knows it,especially when he has a book on the bed shirtless,his sweat pants hanging low on his hips dangerously tempting.

His phone rings again and there's no answer,I cut it knowing he told me he's busy with some work so there no point of disturbing him I'll just take the subway.On the way I could also pick some groceries to cook his that lame lasagna he seems to love like mad,maybe even teach him and have some fun in the kitchen,I bite my lips at the thought.Well it's my way of thanking him for everything coz I barely read much,I mean I did but he's way better at the writing part so he plans it all,while I ogle at him,kissing him and everything.Later I write it all down with him ravishing me and that's basically how we got the work done.Guess it makes it more fun and interesting.

Buying everything we need I pass by the isle of sanitary items.I still haven't got my periods and have enough tampons so I just walk to the counter,paying for everything I walk to Ty's apartment.It's a sweet place and moving in with him was a amazing decision since now we get to spend more time with each other.Since he was busy with work and I attending classes.I guess that's what happens when you have a nine year gap in you'll both but we make it work in the sweetest way and Ty's a loving boyfriend so we're fine and don't mind it.I even remember once asking him if it was innocence he liked in me but his answer proved me wrong.He said I was not innocent at all and that's what drew him in,the guts ,courage and nerve I have is what attracted since the first day I asked him if he was single in class.And like that we are here happy,my baby and me I smile as I open the door.He's probably going to be busy in the bedroom so I'll sneak up on him,I chuckle and shut the door slowly as I enter.But then I hear a woman,was it a moan?I wonder there's no way.I walk into the living room and there I see it my eyes can't even believe it.

"What the hell,"I yell as I see the scene before my eyes unbelieving.My shaking legs are rooted there but I want to move,my legs having no energy.My eyes almost teary but I push it back if this is what work Ty talked about he can do to hell.When he hears my voice he pulls back,his eyes full of shock and terror and that's what it has to be after what he is doing here with whoever she is on our damn couch.The woman turns her head to where he's looking and I can't believe it.I was right and a fool to believe Tyler,he was cheating on me with his ex,with her.When I spotted brown strands on our bed I should have trusted myself but there I can acting like an idiot even after I had the proof right there in my hands.

"Who the heck is she?"she asks and if I could move I'd have broken every bone in her body crushing her but then again she is on his lap,he had his mouth on her neck.

"Damn it.Get of me,"Tyler yells at the girl but she doesn't budge. "Don't try me Rovanna,"he tells her as she winces getting of him.So this is how it is, the little brat doesn't even know who I am when she's in our apartment having my man's lips on her,heck my man.I don't even know the man I'm looking at. "Cass baby dammit,"he curses walking towards me as she,Rovanna the freak little ex of his holds his hand stopping him.

"Baby,please Tyler,"I tell him rage coursing through my entire body. "Was this what you meant when you had work to do and were busy?This is what you wanted to hide from me wasn't it,this whore of your's,no disrespect Rovanna coz wait he didn't even tell you he had a girlfriend,"I yell as Ty jerks his hand from her.

"It isn't like that Cass,"he tells me and I just don't want to hear any of it.

"Well I think it's quite clear Tyler.I trusted you and this is what you freaking did,"I point towards her.

"Alright now can we just continue on to where we were baby,"she says walking towards Tyler.

"Rovanna I'm warning you just shut up or get out,"he yells at her with angry eyes but she just rolls her eyes.

"Is that how you treat you girlfriend Professor?"I ask him looking at her with my fits clenched,my nails cutting through my skin.

"Baby don't,"he warns and pleads me with at the same time.

"Well congrats Tyler enjoy shoving your tongue down her throat for all I care. Make her feel euphoric and ecstatic every place you can, tell her how much you love her every night,kiss her to sleep and freaking enjoy sex with her,"I seethe out as tears threaten to fall off but I don't let them.

"Cass it's not like that just let me explain please,"he begs.

"You know what,take your goddamned necklace and do what the hell you want.I don't care about you.We're done Tyler and I don't want you to be a part of my life anymore,"I tell him as I pull his necklace off throwing it at her.She can keep it for all I care let them live a sweet nice honeymoon.But before it can even touch her Tyler catches it reminding me what he told me about the necklace,that it was given by his grandmother that it was a heirloom,a thing hand crafted for his fiance as symbol of everlasting and uncompromising love well isn't it ironical.I storm out of the apartment giving Ty one last look,seeing him torn and heartbroken but that's what he did to himself and ten times worst for me.

"Cass please,"Tyler almost whisper as tears stream down his face.You did this Tyler,you did this to us,I tell myself as I slam the door shut.I wait outside the door waiting for him to come back but he doesn't well that proves it.Running out of there I walk to a alley between two building and break down.The images of them make-out his tongue on her skin,the way their bodies moved,the way she tugged on his hair and moaned his name all of them hitting me hard as the tears bursts out,uncontrolled sobs.I feel like the walls are closing on me,that there isn't enough oxygen in the lift anymore.I slum down on the floor not caring that it's dark or dirty.My bit of sanity lost after I hear the bedroom door shut with her saying, "I know how to make you forget everything; her".I've never felt this horrible,this bad not even with Logan's break-up or any of the rest.But this,this feels like it's not only ripped my heart out of my chest but pushes his hand into in slowly enjoying my agony and pain,then squeezed the living crap of out it and then pulled it out.But he didn't stop at that he took his time craving each vein and artery out,making sure the pain would never heal,that I never had any other chance and then when he was done.He yanked it out leaving me bleeding. Leaving me there to feel the pain,making sure I'd feel it all slowly and heavily. That I wouldn't die peaceful but with torture,torture of a memory.Not a memory of her but the memory of him.A memory I'd never forget.And as if that wasn't sufficient my entire body is disintegrating,piece by peace without my heart;without him. I've somehow ended up tied to him in ways I never have;never with a man.He's managed to destroy everything I've had,everything I've created and everything I have forbidden;he manged to destroy me.I, Cassandra freaking Elizabeth damn Evan have successful been demolish,wrecked and crucified by a man,the man none other than a cursed damned jerk.Speak about the devil...

"Cass...where are you?Please,call me.,"he says walking the end of the street as I notice all the call and voice mails on my phone.If this was his attempt after having had already enjoyed her body he could perish in hell and never resurrect.I curse him with every word I know and possibly capable of as he disapears. He broke my trust and there will never be a us ever again,no matter what.I'm never going to be running into his arms even if I be damned to.I am after all Cassandra Elizabeth Evan and I am going to show him just what he messed with.A woman who doesn't need love for a selfless lowlife like him.More tears burst out of my eyes as they burn.You can do it Cass,you always have even if he ripped everything off and about your life you can still fix and mend everything coz that's the woman you are.Your going to get out of this dump hole...God why am I here?Standing up and dusting myself I try to arrange my emotion and appearance as I call a cab.there's only one place I can be right now and there is where I'll be hopefully....

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