12.Unexpected arrivals

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Isabella's P.O.V

After my class I return back home;Josh is at his internship,Cass probably back from her class while Aiden at his class.Well as for Maddie,she undergoing her therapy so she won't be back soon and I still haven't got to talk to her,same for Aiden. So we just have to wait until later.The entire summer I've talked to Jason a lot,texted as well.He told me about her parents still deciding whether they'll send the to New York or keep her in L.A for her sophomore year.I miss Maddie and the time we used to spend together.This year has been a roller-coaster,Maddie in coma,Cyler breaking up,my new major,Josh's internship and Aiden working to up his game.

I walk into our bedroom seeing that Cass sin't in the main area.When I open the door I see her lost in her own thoughts as her fingers trace the ink on her hip bone.The words 'Tyler' inked with a heart beside it.It must be pretty horrible to look down at yourself and find the name of a person who made you feel you were everything to them and the only who one to leave you broken like no one else could.

"You good?"I ask as she looks up at me shaking her head.

"No,I hate him.I hate him so much,"she says and I know she doesn't mean it but betrayal and hurt are things hard to accept and move on from.

"It's going to be fine.Everything is going to be okay.Trust me,"I say rubbing her back as tears slip of her eyes,rolling down her cheek but she stops them,wiping them away with hatred.Hatred for herself.

"That's just the point,nothing is okay.I want him out of my life but the whole universe is against it.He did this,he did this all to me.He loved me,he ruined me and he didn't stop there.he made it a point to be a part of my life even when he's not.It's like I can't escape him;not in my mind nor body.He managed to wound me,not only did he leave scars,but a remembrance of us.A remembrance I can't dodge,remove and can't end without killing what's feebly left of me.Izzie I can't do it.I can't let that happen to her,"she grips my hand hard,her expression frantic as I wonder what is she talking about.Is she losing her mind of this?Who is the 'she' ,is she referring to her tattoo and why can't she move on?

"What are you talking about?"I ask her as I rub my thumb over her hand gripping mine hard but I don't say anything.

"I'm talking about sugar cube,"she says chuckling at the end with a sheepish smile.I just stare at her confused.What is she talking about?First the ex then the tattoo,next 'sugar cube',I was completely not getting how any of this perfectly matched with Tyler and her.I notice her face as we smile probably understanding my confusion. "I'm pregnant,"she touches her stomach,biting her lip as I gasp,utterly stunned.

"You're pregnant with Tyler's kid,"I say now fixing the dots as she nods.The girl was the kid, 'sugar cube' was a nickname,it's Tyler's and she doesn't know what she wants to do but she doesn't want it gone. "O my God Cass.I'm proud of you,"I hug her as she puts her arms around me laughing.I never expected this but it is the most happiest and beautiful thing that she doesn't want to kill the child,even after it's dad broke everything about her.The fact hat she could to this proved how much she cherished what they has and how strong she is as a woman to be in acceptance of raising a child on her own.

"Thanks though I wasn't really expecting that reaction,"she says pulling back.

"Though did you really think this trough?"I ask her wondering if it really is the decision she wants to make.I is possible but it's a struggle.Maintaining her university life and being a mother,going through those nine months and then the delivery,just being nineteen.I wanted her to really know what she was stepping into.As delightful or horrible teen pregnancy may seem,it differed for different people based on their beliefs,conditions,family and many other factors;it differs from person to person. "I'm mean you have to balance and shuffle through with a lot"

"Yeah,I know,"she says touching her stomach looking down at it fondly and I can tell she already love what is growing inside of her.That she'd cherish it with everything she had and everything she could give. "But I think it's worth it.Even if she doesn't have a dad,she got a mom.A mom who will wholehearted love her,take care of her and never let her meet anyone like her dad,to be broken.I know what I'm choosing.I know it's going to be hard but I want to do it.I want to do it for her.She doesn't deserve to die,she deserves to live,she deserves to be happy and given a chance at everything.I have to be accountable fro what I did and that's bringing this bundle of joy

"Are you sure you don't want to let Tyler know?I know he hurt you and everything but he still has a right to know"

"I know and his pompous ass and girlfriend can get to know about it when she's born,"she states making me chuckle.I really admire her guts and nerves.I can totally understand how Macy and she hit off well.Cassandra surely was something.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you,"she chuckles.

"Not really but I'm not into girls,"Cass says making us both laugh on the bed as we look out at the wonderful view talking about how everything has changed all around us.


Joshua's P.O.V

I'm in a hurry with going to the work as I search for my files.Iz and I have all our books and assignments messed up over each other's table since we help each other out a lot and especially since we also tried me moving my stuff in Aiden's room for Cass to have place to go her work.having Cass over has been great.The four of us all had movie night Friday after the woman came back home.I had visited Ty on Friday to makes sure he was fine and he completely wasn't.He has got on sleep,barely ate anything as looked like a complete stranger in other words he was a wreck.I knew he didn't want to talking so I respected that,trying to lighten his mood.I even called back home to see if he talked to Mace or Alexa but he hadn't which was strange but still not.We cousins are pretty tight,we don't judge each other and are very comfortable about talking about anything and everything.We practically grew up together when we were small and have amazing bonds.We barely spoke anything harsh to each other and even if we did we knew it was the truth,lying wasn't something we did in the family much.Our parents and grandparents are pretty chill about everything so there really never is a time where we have issues.The thing that worried me about Tyler was that he wasn't talking or venting out with anyone and I knew he wasn't like that.He just shut himself off because of this so I know it has to be big the thing abut him was he only spoke when he believed something truly,not other wise.He always thought differently with the analyse and then speak.Guess he still hadn't decided on something or someone?He isn't going to be at peace until them and until them it meant he wasn't really himself.We all have dark side in us and Tyler was the same.

I pick a file up knowing it isn't mine.Was it Iz or Cass',I wondered as I opened it. let's just say it blew the wind of of my lungs leaving me shocked as my eyes roamed to page. 'Pregnancy Verification Report',it said on the top as my heart stopped beating.We hadn't,there is no way.It couldn't be possible I had to remind myself as what I say next left we stunned but not in the small way.Anger and rage pulsated in a veins as I went over the name again, 'Cassandra Elizabeth Evan'.

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