Chapter Three

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"Sometimes I wonder if your wandering thoughts wonder about me."

February 2016

A month has passed since y/n got back from Australia. Everything seemed good for the first week until Sebastian started using his phone more often. Y/n didn't think much into it because it's normal to use your phone even the ones who don't use it as much but she grew suspicious when they'd be walking to the cafe in the mornings and they never used their phones on the walk there but Sebastian was more focused on who he was texting than focusing on his girlfriend who was right next to him.

You'd be watching a movie and he'd be laughing at something on his phone. He'd leave the room when his phone would start ringing and he would last almost an hour before coming back. He did it again while at Chris's house during a family dinner since y/n hadn't seen them since Christmas. She saw him excuse himself and she rolls her eyes deciding to finally confront him.

You walk up the stairs and stop when you hear his voice, "I miss you too."

You walk to the room slowly and when you press your ear to the door it opens slowly and your curse yourself.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Sebastian says.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? Who's on the phone?" You say throwing questions at him.

"It's my mom...wait a sec. Mom, I gotta go bye." He says and hangs up.

You cross your arms over your chest, "You never talk to her in English she understands you more in Romanian." You say. It was true the first time you met her you had practiced how to talk in Romanian just so you'd both feel more comfortable maybe that's why she almost loved you just as much as Sebastian did.

"It was just a quick check-in with her..." He says.

You sigh, "Sebastian why are you lying to me?" You ask.

"I-I'm not babe. I promise." He says.

You bite your lip, "It's hard to do that when you're so distant with me." You say.

"All you ever do now is be in your phone when we're together ran shall of the time I don't even know who you're talking to." You add wiping a tear away.

"No. Baby no I didn't mean for you to think that. It's not that...I've been speaking to my agent. And she got a great role in this new movie for next year I didn't want to tell you till it's finalized next week." He lies. Well sort of. He did get a role in a new movie but he didn't have to speak to his agent almost every day. No that was him talking to Kate most of the time. You're a terrible person. Sebastian repeated that to himself multiple times a day since his first night with Kate. He knew what he was doing was terrible. But his feelings were so mixed he didn't know what he was doing. He loves you. There's no doubt about it but he's also growing strong feelings for Kate and he doesn't know how that happened. All he knows in the end none of this will end well.

"Really?! Seb I'm sorry I-." Your start but he cuts you off immediately.

Don't apologize ever. I should be apologizing, he says in his mind.

"Baby it's okay I'm sorry I didn't just tell you." He says.

You smile and hug him tightly, "I'm so proud of you."

"And now it gives us another thing to celebrate while we are in Greece next week!" You add.


"Look at the view!" You say as you walk out of the villa you were staying in and smile at the ocean view.

"There is a better view I'm looking at her right now," Sebastian says wrapping his arms around your waist.

You roll your eyes, "You dork! Okay, the first night here in Mykonos we should find a restaurant to eat because I am hungry." You say turning around and wrapping your arms around his neck,

"I'm hungry too." He says kissing down your neck and you moan but push him away after.

"That is for later, I am hungry though for food!" You tell him.

"Okay. Let's say 30 minutes to get ready?" He says and you nod.

30 minutes later

"I'm ready." You say walking out of your bedroom and to the living room where Sebastian was waiting.

"Should I wear heels? I look stupid in my sandals." You say pouting.

Sebastian looks at you up and down and smiles, "Don't even think about it. You look beautiful." He says grabbing your hand.


"Seb...sebby..." You poke Sebastian's cheek and he groans opening his eyes slightly.

"What do you want?" He says closing his eyes again.

"Baby it's already 11. Let's go to the beach! Ooh or sailing! I can sail!" You say excitingly sitting on his lap and he sits up rubbing his eyes.

"You know how I tell you that I love everything about you?" He says.

You nod, "Yes, why?"

"I lied. One thing I hate is you being able to drink a whole wine bottle and two shots of tequila and you still wake up fine. How is that possible?" He says putting his head in your neck as you massage his head.

"Aww, baby you're such a lightweight!" You say jokingly and he rolls his eyes.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asks.

"I really wanna go to the beach!" You say excitedly.

He nods laughing at your eagerness, "Alright beach it is then."


Sebastian sat on the couch in his thoughts wondering why he was acting so hostile towards you. He knew you liking both men and women didn't matter to him He was happy you were so open with him and the age well sure there were some comments from media about the 13-year age difference but both of you have handled it maturely.

He's trying to erase the one lingering thought he knows is the reason why he's picking fights with you. He enjoyed being with you he loved you and there were no second thoughts of that. But now he was starting to realize something else after spending so much time on the phone with Kate this past month...he had fallen for her

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