Chapter Twenty

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May 2016

"Y/n...I'm gonna go to the store, do you need anything? Or maybe you'd like to go with me?" You open your eyes slowly and see your mom standing there.

You smile weakly, "I'm okay here." You say.

She bends down looking at you concerned, "Honey you look pale are you sure you're feeling well?" She asks.

"I'm fine mom, I just wanna sleep." You say hoping she'd leave.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." She says and walks out closing the door.

You grab the bottle of vodka from under your bed and drink what's left of it, you stand up ready to grab yet another bottle downstairs but suddenly feel nauseous and you run to the restroom throwing up. You sit on the floor and groan in pain and stand up slowly and head back to bed but stop as you see a spot of red all over your bedsheets. You look down and your sweatpants are covered in the same color as well, "I-I have to go to the hospital." You whisper to yourself. The amount of alcohol was making your vision blurry so you needed someone to take you.

You call an uber and start changing your pants throwing the old ones in a trash bag alongside your bedsheets that were stained.

"Going out will be home late. Love you." You send your mom a quick text. You didn't want anyone to know or go with you, you had no idea what was going on

You get dropped off at the emergency room and walk-in slowly already feeling dizzy from the drive, "I-I'm bleeding and I-." You start but darkness takes over you and all you remember is passing out on the floor.


You open your eyes slowly adjusting to the bright lights, "Doctor, she's awake." You hear.

You open your eyes blinking slowly, "Miss. Evans, how are you feeling?" A woman asks coming into the room.

"Like shit." You say.

She nods, "Any pain?"

"Mentally or physically?" You ask her.

She smiles sadly pulling a chair next to your bed and sits down, "Do you remember anything that happened?"

You shake your head, "I was in my room, bleeding, and I came here and that's it. What happened?" You ask.

"Well toxicology reports came up high, you had alcohol pointing resulting in you passing out but..." She stops.

"But what?" You say.


"Just y/n, please." You tell her and she nods.

"Y/n, apart from the alcohol poisoning you also lost your baby." She says.

Your hand immediately goes to your stomach, "B-baby? I-I was I-."

You start tearing up, "It was my fault? I killed my baby?" You say.

The doctor shakes her head, "No no, there is no way to tell what it could've been. You were early on in-."

You cut her off, "How many months?"

She sighs, "Almost three months." She says.

"Three months..." You say.

You were still with Sebastian when you were pregnant, you were pregnant at the premiere, you were pregnant last week on your birthday where you drowned out all your sadness in alcohol. How could this not be your fault?

Unconditional Love - Sebastian Stan *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now