Chapter Thirteen

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(the bold is just January and February events that have occurred between the two)

Sebastian Stan spotted at the Golden Globes...alone!

Sebastian Stan's girlfriend Kate Miller spotted getting cozy with mystery man in Europe!

Y/N Evans set to go back on tour as the opening act for Harry Styles Live on tour in April!

February 2018

yourusername: one year with you and spending it in the best way possible

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yourusername: one year with you and spending it in the best way bed watching rom coms. thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for now please get back home so we can eat ice cream💓

likes: 678k comments: 28k


user1: Surprised they lasted since she hasn't posted him in a while

user2: She doesn't have to post him to prove they're still together? user1

scottevansgram: Why are you depriving my sister of ice cream? paulwesley

paulwesley: She makes me drive 20 minutes to get a specific flavor of cream rather than the store thats five minutes from the house scottevansgram

user3: Couple goals😭

user4: I love them together but its odd that they've never said I love you too each other

March 2018

"I hate that you couldn't make it." You say through the phone to Paul.

"I know me too but the flight got delayed so I'm stuck here, I'll make it up to you?"

"It's fine babe really don't worry, Nina and Shawn will be there so that helps. But I did want my handsome date there."

"You're killing me."

"Did you see what I sent you?"

"Give me a sec...jesus woman you've killed me."

You laugh, "I'm guessing you love it?"

"You look beautiful in that dress, you'd look amazing in anything y/n."

Before you can say anything the driver interrupts you, "Miss we're here." he says opening your door and helping you out.

"I just arrived, talk to you later?" You ask Paul.

"Yeah, have a great time bye."

"Bye." You say and hang up.


"What's going on in that beautiful mind?" You hear behind you.

You turn around and see Shawn, "Flattery won't get you anywhere." You say sarcastically and hug him.

"Alright whatever but really what's on your mind?" He asks as you guys enter the event.

You sigh, "I don't know, there's plenty of things I'm stressing about but..."

"Paul is the main one you're worried about?" He asks.

You nod, "We'll talk about it later I just need to destress for now." You say grabbing a glass of Champagne.

"About that, you do know who's h-" Shawn starts.

"Y/n!" You smile at Nina approaching you and hug her.

"You didn't make it for dinner last week Paul said you were busy?" She asks.

"I had a casting call in Atlanta so I didn't get home until midnight." You say frowning.

"Well, now we have all night to catch up, sorry Shawn she's mine now." She says dragging you away and you chuckle.

"Now, talk to me. I heard half of your conversation with Shawn and I'm worried what's going on?" She asks as you sit at a table a bit far away from others.


"Hey he's my friend but so are you, what you say stays here." She says.

You smile thankfully, "I don't know where to start. I don't let the comments from people who don't know me get to me but I've just been thinking about what someone said on my recent post with Paul for our anniversary."

She nods, "Yeah I saw that...what do you think about it?"

You sigh, "I like him a lot I do. I wouldn't have gone on a date with him a year ago, after all, I went through. But I mean it's true what they say, we've been together for a year and still haven't said I love you. Is that a bad sign?" You ask.

"Of course not, I've known couples who don't say I love you till many years later. We all have our own pace when sharing those words."

"That's the thing though what if I'm never ready to tell him that? I don't think I can ever say those words to a partner after..." You trail off thinking of him.

"Well, that's something you should definitely talk about with Paul. Both of you can't continue a relationship if you haven't shared your true feelings about those thee words." She says.

You scoff, "You think, three little words would have such an effect in my life. I loved those words now I'm afraid to say it." You say sadly.

"Let's just have fun for tonight alright?" She says and you nod smiling.


"I'll be back." You tell Nina and Shawn and head to the restroom.

"Shit," you say dropping your phone and you step down to grab it but trip over your .

"Ouch," you mumble.

You hear footsteps walking up to you and look at a pair of shoes in front of you and look up to a familiar set of blue eyes, "Hi."



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