Chapter Four

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"It's terrifying to know, that sometimes, love breaks."

You wake up to the sun shining in your face and groan from the light but also remembering your fight with Sebastian last night. You had only been in Greece for two days and it was already going downhill.

You get up grabbing some underwear and putting a shirt well Sebastian's shirt before walking out to the kitchen to make yourself something but are surprised when you see Sebastian standing there with food on the table already.

"Hi." He says nervously and you just look at him not knowing what to say.

He walks over to you placing his hands on your cheeks, "I didn't mean to make you cry." He says noticing your puffy red eyes.

"I always wake up like this." You say lying.

He chuckles, "You think I'd know since I wake up to this beautiful face every day." He says stroking your cheek.

"Compliments won't make everything okay Sebastian." You say.

"I hate when you call me that." He says frowning. It was true you'd only call him Sebastian when you were mad at him or romantic moments. It was always Seb, Sebs, or Sebby. He hated other people calling him Sebby but when you said it he didn't care.

"And I hate when we fight...but that didn't stop you last night." You say pushing his hands away.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm an idiot I just..." He stops himself. What do I tell her? That I love her but probably her best friend as well? No Sebastian. You focus on the girl right in front of you for the rest of the week. You spend the vacation well with her it's what both of you need maybe that's why he was having mixed emotions.

"I've missed you." He says.

You look at him confused, "What do you mean? I've been here." You say.

"I meant that I've missed you because you were so busy for months filming the movie and then you came back and then left again. I was frustrated and I shouldn't be like that because now I know how you felt when I would be away." He says. It was the truth, even though there was another reason why he was picking fights that was the truth.

"Seb...I'm here I'm not going anywhere. But you should've told me this. You hurt me when you can't tell me everything." You say hugging him,

Oh if only you knew.

"I know and I'm sorry. I love you." He says kissing your head.

"I love you more." You say kissing him.

"Did you make all this?" You ask gesturing to the food.

"Me? All this? Do you know me at all?" He says jokingly. "No ordered, kinda as an I'm sorry and I love you gesture and guess where we're going today?" He asks.

"Where?!" You ask excitedly.

"Well it's not as fun than what I have planned for Valentine's Day but we're gonna go walk around the island and shop, try all the food we can fit in our stomachs, and then finding a nice place to watch the sunset." He says kissing your cheek.

You smile wise, "That's the best date ever! Maybe sunset can be at the pool here?" You ask.

"Are clothes an option?" He says.

"Definitely not." You say kissing him again and then having breakfast together.


why did you feel like something bad was gonna happen soon?


"I swear if I hear another question about my relationship rather than my next projects I'm gonna throw a bottle at them." You say adjusting your dress as you enter the many parties you'll be attending for the whole week. It was Oscars weekend which you'd be attending as Chriss date. He decided to take you and Carly since it'd be your first time. Sebastian and you were invited to a few parties and the vanity fair party as a couple. The two of you hadn't really been as public as this week so it was fun being able to go to these events with Sebastian by your side. You had gotten back from Greece a few days again and everything was better now it's like you and Sebastian's relationship was thriving.

Unconditional Love - Sebastian Stan *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now