Chapter Sixteen

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Y/n Evans spotted at her brother's broadway opening night, which ex Sebastian Stan also attended...are the two back together?!

Y/n Evans casted for season three of Netflix's hit show Stranger Things!

Y/n Evans spotted arriving in Atlanta to begin filming!

April 2018

"Mom I promise I'll call you tonight." You say as you unpack at your apartment you'll be staying in during filming.

"Alright honey, I love you."

"Love you too mom, bye." You say and hang up.

You had arrived in Atlanta early this afternoon and had to unpack before you had to head to set just to have a quick fitting for your outfits. Well, mostly just one outfit since you'll be wearing a uniform for most of the season.

"Hey, you ready?" Joe asks walking into your room, the two of you had agreed to room together since Natalia and Charlie are together they got an apartment together.

"Yeah, I'll just finish unpacking later," you say getting up from the floor and grab your purse.

"Do we drive or walk?" He asks as we exit the apartment building.

"It's just like ten minutes walking since it's at an office." You say agreeing to walk.

"So are you nervous for your first day on set tomorrow?" He asks as you begin the walk to your destination.

"I'm not nervous to film I think I'm just nervous if the fans will like me." You say.

"Of course they will, why wouldn't they?" He says.

"I'm a new character coming into a show two seasons later, a show many people love I don't think they'll want to see a new character waltz in. I hate when that happens to my favorite shows." You say jokingly.

"Trust me from what the script has shown you'll be a likable character, they'll love you." He says.


"So...we're going to be sailors for the whole season," Joe says laughing as you walked out after your fitting.

"It can be worse?" You ask.

You both shake your head laughing, "Definitely not."

You stop by a small cafe, "Are Nat and Charlie joining us?" You ask and he nods.

Before you can go inside your phone starts ringing from an unknown number, you answer it but look at Joe, "I'll be in there in a sec." You say.

"Yeah, I'll be inside." He says.

"Thanks, uh hello?"


What. The. Fuck.

"How did you get my number, Sebastian?"

"I have it memorized and well you blocked me so I used my assistant's phone...that sounds creepy now." He says.

"What do you need?"

"I just...I wanted to talk."

"What would we need to talk about?"

"Anything, I just. Please."

"Hey, you going in?" You turn around and see Natalia and Charlie.

"Yeah gimme a sec."

"Look, I-I'll call you later. Bye." You say hanging up.

"Who was that?" Charlie asks.

Natalia hits his shoulder, "Don't be so blunt. " She says.

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