Chapter Fifteen

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March 2018

"You know it should be me that was taking so long to get ready, why'd you take longer?" You ask Madison.

"What? No reason. I just you know couldn't find anything to wear." She says nervously.

You nod, "Okay." You knew she was lying, she never took more than an hour to get ready. However, once you invited her to Chris's opening night for Lobby Hero she was freaking out about what'd she would wear. You knew Chris liked her as well considering he told you to invite her.

You look out the window when the car stops and thankfully there is no paparazzi out there, "Well at least I don't have to answer anyone's stupid questions, why are you single again? did you cheat?" You say exiting the car with Madi.

"Come on were gonna be late," Madi says dragging you inside.

"And whose fault is that!" You say.


After the show, you headed to the after-party with a very excited Madi.

"There's the star, I was going to bring you flowers but someone took forever." You say to Chris as he walks up to the two of you.

Madison slaps your arm, "Hi." She says nervously.

Chris smiles at her, "Hey."

You look at them weirdly and before you say something sarcastic your phone starts ringing.

"I'll be back." You say to the two who seem to be in their own world together.

You smile to yourself and head outside so you can answer your phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, is this Y/n Evans?"

"Yes this is she, who's this?"

"This is Matt Duffer and I'm here with my brother Ross."

Holy shit. You had auditioned for a role in their Netflix series Stranger things, it was one of your favorite shows.

You clear your throat, "Uh hi, how are you?"

"We're good, listen so we wanted to call you personally..."

Oh crap, I didn't get the part. of course, I wouldn't they probably got someone better.

"And we wanted to say you got the part of Robin."

(ik maya hawke plays that character but I love that show so i had to add it in my story lol)

Your eyes widen, "I-I got the part?"

"Yes, we cant wait to see you once again and your manager already has your schedule and script ready. Congrats!"

You thank them and then say your goodbyes, "I got the part!" You say out loud doing a little victory dance that is until the door opens and hits you right in the face causing you to fall back.

"That hurt." You groan closing your eyes.

"Shit y/n, I'm sorry."

You open your eyes and it feels like deja vu once again, "Oh great." You say seeing Sebastian.

He extends a hand but you shake your head getting up on your own slowly, "I don't need your help." You say walking back inside.

"Wait, I just wanna talk." He says following after you.

You stop and turn back to him, "Talk? What possibly could we talk about?"

"I-I broke up with Kate," he says.

"Should I congratulate you? I don't care." You say and walk off.


"I don't wanna take the spotlight from Chris but I have good news." You smile to Madison.

Unconditional Love - Sebastian Stan *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now