Chapter Ten

112 4 4

January 2017

"So..." You trail off looking at Shawn.

"I love it." He smiles at you.

You groan and fall to the floor, "What?" He asks looking down at you.

"I thought you'd say something else." You say frowning.

"You want me to hate it?" He says.

You shake your head sitting up, "It's missing something..." You say focusing on the floor.

"Well yeah there seems to be a gap in between the song but what else can you add?" He asks.

"I...I don't know." You say frustrated.

Shawn lends me a hand to stand up, "Let's go." He says dragging you out the studio.

"Where?" You ask confused.


"You brought me to the beach?" You ask Shawn as the two of you walk on the sand.

"You don't like the beach?" He says putting a blanket on the sand and the two of you sit on it.

"I mean yeah...just I do have a deadline Shawn what are we doing here?"

"Lay down." He says.

"Woah look Shawn you're handsome and all but you're only 18 and I-"



"Shut up. Besides you're not my type." He says.

"Okay rude...I am plenty of peoples type, I probably got more girls than you." You smirk.

Shawn sighs, "Y/n just close your eyes."

You sigh and close your eyes, "Fine now what?"

"You aren't gonna finish the song if you don't let what's in your mind stopping you. Just close your eyes and focus on anything that will clear your mind."

You hear the waves crashing against each other and the breeze of the ocean...

"What are you reading?" Madison asks you.

"More like seeing..." You say staring at your phone.

katemiller: met his mom today so its pretty official, happy birthday baby!

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katemiller: met his mom today so its pretty official, happy birthday baby!

likes: 35k comments: 12k

tagged: imsebastianstan

comments below:

user1: this picture shows they're happy together

user2: no shit sherlock...they both are backstabbers they deserve each other user1

user3: if you dont like her get off her page then dont be jealous they look better and happier user2

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