Chapter Nine

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January 2017

"There are no pockets in this."

"Y/n we already told you, you picked this that's not our fault," Madison says as you sit in the car waiting to arrive to the golden globes after party.

"I know but I want some chips." You complain.

"They'll have chips there." She says.

You shake your head, "They didn't last year."

"Oh my gosh y/n I'll go to the store if you need chips so bad," Madison says frustrated.

You sigh, "I'm sorry, I just wanna get this over with already." You say.

"I thought you wanted to go?" She asks.

"I do, I'm just worried about the last couple of songs I gotta record." You say.

You had gotten back from Miami last week and only spent two days with your family before having to head to LA to finish recording the last couple of songs for your EP which is supposed to release by February 20th so you've been in the studio 24/7.

"Don't worry about that tonight. This is probably the only night off until march so have fun." Madi smiles at you and you nod.


You caught up with Lizzie at the party for an hour when someone tapped your shoulder, "Nina!" You say hugging your close friend tightly.

"It's been forever!" She says hugging you back.

Nina hugs Lizzie after and turns back to you, "It's been like what 4 years?" She asks and you nod. The two of you had worked in a movie together and still kept in contact but obviously, life gets busy and you hadn't seen each other for so long.

"Nina are you-" The three of you turn around and you smile over at her co-star Paul Wesley and Nina smirks at the two of you and you roll your eyes. You may have had a bit of a celebrity crush on him ever since you watched the vampire diaries.

"Oh hi." He says smiling over at you and Lizzie.

"Paul, you've met Lizzie before. This is Y/n." Nina says and he smiles shaking your hand and giving Lizzie a quick hug.

"Yeah, I know." He says and sighs realizing how creepy that must've sounded.

"I'm not a stalker I swear, I just saw your movie with the Hemsworth brothers and it was amazing by the way." He says and you thank him not realizing the two women had walked off.

"Well I don't wanna sound stalkers either but I love you in the vampire diaries but I'm always team Delena." You say giggling.

"Ouch, that hurts." He says playfully placing a hand on his chest.

"Any spoilers?" You ask referring to the last season that is currently on tv.

"Ooh, no can do. You've gotta wait till the end." He says teasingly.


"You think they'll notice?" You whisper to Paul as you sneak out the back of the party.

"Well no but I'm pretty sure the people at In-N-Out will." He says laughing as we walk down the sidewalk.

The two of you spent about ten minutes talking until you suggested to go grab a bite to eat rather than the plain food they would be serving at the party.

"You think glasses will help?" You ask pointing to a drugstore with glasses on display.

"I think your dress gives it away so no they won't help, come on." He chuckles and grabs your hand as you enter the fast-food place.

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