Chapter Seven

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"I mean it was pretty much her confirming what everyone already knew...alright great thanks," Madison says hanging up and turns to you.

"Well good news no tabloid cares because it was already confirmed by Sebastian awhile back it's only Twitter and Instagram freaking out. We love Y/n Evans is trending on twitter..." Madison starts but my phone starts ringing and I pick it up without looking at the caller id.

(Italics is the other person.)



You knew the voice. You hadn't heard that voice in two months. You missed hearing! Stop don't. He hurt you. Repeat it. He hurt you.

"Y/n, are you there?"

You bite your lip and tell Madison to give you a minute and she nods heading out the room, "What do you want?"

"All right straight to the point...what the hell were you thinking?"

"Uh, I don't know what you're talking about." You say confused.

"Liking that comment on Kate's post last night."

You roll your eyes, "Bullshit."

"Excuse me?"

"You didn't call for that. We both know I had every right to do that. Did you tell her what the hell she was thinking or just me? I don't care what she says about me because the media and fans already tore me apart when they assumed I was cheating. So why would you be mad at me?"

"Th-that's not true."

"Then why'd you call me? Honestly what else could you want?"

"I miss you..."


"I do. I miss you. I miss everything about you, your smile, you-."

"Stop! You can't do that. You can't throw those compliments to go back to you. I can't and I won't. You're with Kate." You say biting your lip to prevent you from crying.

"She'll never be you though. You're my soulmate..."

"Sebastian...please please stop."

"Just listen. I don't want to make you cry baby but please just listen."

You wipe a tear away and your heart swells, "Baby" how you missed that word come from his mouth.

"I don't think I will ever meet someone that could compare to you. I could see all sorts of people, and no matter who they are or what they say, they can't capture my attention quite the way you can. They don't make me laugh quite as genuinely. I know people always say your first love is the person you compare everyone to, but maybe they've got it all wrong. Maybe the person you compare everyone to isn't your first love, but your true love. Your soul mate."

Minutes passed and you sit there quietly trying to process what he had just said. Once again you felt empty. What do you say? What do you feel? Nothing. You feel something for him but your body doesn't feel anything, you're numb. But you know what you have to do.

"Then why did you leave..."

"I can't deny the feelings I have for Kate but I also can't deny the fact that I'll always love you."

"That isn't love then. I'm not your soulmate if you fell in love with someone else. Did you say the same thing to her that you're saying to me?"

"No. I never told her that. That love will never compare to ours."

Unconditional Love - Sebastian Stan *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now