Chapter 10

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excuse any mistakes... 📝
not edited...

Melanie POV:
"Fuck!" I said putting my head down, soon as granny hopped out her truck.

"Hey my favorite grandma." Nyny said trying to hug her as she stepped on the porch. LMFAO Like nigga what, It's always him I swear he starts.

"Nah'jour get cho ass off me, I'm your only grandma! Now I'm tryna figure why the hell I'm up at Donna's Salon & I hear bout y'all little niggas up on 42nd raising hell. Y'all posed to be here getting ready like I TOLD YALL. But y'all out in the streets fighting like jackasses. Yunno what imma let April deal with you cause I— Girl looka ya damn face, lawd hamercy April gone lose her shit." Granny hollered over exaggerating as she bent down to get a good look at me.

"You should see the other girl." Nyny muttered, laughing the sly.

"Boy shut yo ass up. Gone get ready and be quick about it. Oh & you ain't off the hook Miss Ride or Die gone head in there too." Granny said pointing at Maddie then shooing us off.

It was a silence ride to the prison, just R&B Soul music playing at a moderate volume. Oh with the exception of Nyny occasionally asking granny "you still mad granny?" , "so you oun love us no more?" which she ignored him every time. Lmfao jit is really a bug.

Soon as we pulled up I got nervous as hell, cause really you never know what to expect from April. She's a real wild card.

"Get y'all ass out. Ran to that park to fight, nah run ya asses in this jailhouse. Ion wanna you complain bout to visitation no more, since you out here acting like you wanna be her cell mate. Can't believe y'all... Lord keep me near the cross, they wanna stress you out Denise they do." Granny gritted, mumbling the last part.

"How many? Name of Inmate?" The Officer asked.

"1 adult and 3 minors, inmate April Avonae Marie Lanier" Granny called out, handing him her driver's license.

"Alright step to the right, they'll search you and take y'all on back."

I looked around at the other inmates doing their visitations as we sat a table waiting for my mama to come out the back.

"Stop being ruff da fuck." I heard causing me to look up seeing my mama snatching her arm from the guard as she was being brought out the back. I won't lie it hurts me to see her all shackled up like an animal or sumn.

My mom was a beautiful tall brownskin woman with long naturally curly hair. Her beauty held this look of innocence but April was the epitome of "who knew evil girls had the prettiest face".

"Heyyy ya— what the fuck happened to my baby face." April said, her tone quickly changing from upbeat to dark the moment she finally laid eyes on me.

"April calm yo ass down before they come take you back to your cell. And I have nothing to say on that whole lil shituation over there, get to talking Billy & Barbara Badazz." Granny spoke pointing at me and Nyny.

"I'm not Barbara, I'm Shirley." I mumbled looking down fiddling with my fingers earning a laugh from Maddie.

"Don't laugh at her Maddison." Granny said giving her a look.

"You oun wanna be Barbara, well then Belinda Badazz or who df ever get to explaining to me why you sitting in here with a fat lip and scratched up face!" April fussed.

"Don't all speak at once, cause I know partner in crime 1 & 2 know exactly what happened." April added looking amongst the three of us.

"We was fighting earlier today up on 42nd." I muttered avoiding eye contact.

"Don't play wimme Egpyt, look me in my eyes when you speaking to me." April sternly said, grabbing my face making me look her in the eyes. This is sumn she has always did as long as I could remember. She always told me eyes are like a window to your soul, so looking in someone's eyes you'll always find the truth and be able to gauge their emotions. She had this way of talking to me sometimes and it would be like it was just me and her in the room.

"Fighting with who and why?" April questioned.

"Some girl name Niesha cause she was on Instagram telling lies bout me and said I ran from her so I told her let's link." I said

"Ran from her? I know damn well, you ain't run from no hoe. What other kinda lies Lani?" April inquired.

"I ain't never ran from nobody momma. She said I was sleeping round with her boyfriend.." I said mumbling the last part.

"She what? What I tell you Lani bout these boys." April sighed getting the wrong idea. Like girl didn't you just head me say "ALLUM LYING ON ME!".

*Y'all know that boosie meme 😭*

"Momma I'm NOT out here like dat at all." I said rolling my eyes frustrated.

"Yea auntie the girl was just being disrespectful really & her people was talking like they was gone do her sumn bad so Lani had to handle up." Nyny chimed in. I stg that's my mfn dawg to the end.

"Y'all two something else, well did ya win?" April shook her head then smirked waiting for us to answer.

"You one to talk inmate, they're like you and Tony reincarnated but possibly worst. Ion know what imma do with y'all, y'all gone be the death of me child I tell ya." Granny said shaking her head.

"Umm yea ma , I won." I said scratching my neck thinking on the awkwardly truthful statement granny just made. Damn she really think I really gone turn out like my mama.

"Momma c'mon don't say that, we all make mistakes they still young give them time to mature into their own individuals, let's not stick labels on them. I can't apologize enough for the pain I've caused you but yunno the good outweigh the bad just pray and be hopeful mommy, I love you and I thank God everyday that I got you & that you got Lani cause clearly I wasn't ready to be her mom. She deserved better, she deserved you. We all cherish you so much for our own reasons cause you do so much for us. And Melanie & Nah'jour work on not giving my mama a hard time, me, Tony, and Rodney have given her enough burdens to carry. Give my ole girl some peace sometimes." April spoke with a heavy heart, Granny leaned across wiping away her tears and hugging her.

"You hush that fuss na' Avonae you hear? I wouldn't have it no other way, I love Lani and Nyny as if they my own cause they is mines. And no matter what right or wrong I got y'all cause y'all my babies. But Jesus Christ ease up on the wrongs, but y'all know I can't stay mad at y'all long. Especially you April I don't ever want you to think I think you're a horrible person or a failure cause you not. You may have disappointed us but we love you. That girl right there, Melanie she love you and can't shit change that hear!" Granny said still engulfing April in a hug.

"C'mere child come hug ya mama!" Granny demanded making me move swiftly.

"I do love you Momma and I can't wait till the day we can be together." I said burying my face in her chest. I don't know how but even in prison she has that same blissful scents of vanilla and strawberries that reminded me of earlier childhood memories before they took her away from me.

"I love you too Auntie, hug me!" Nyny said joining in the hug.

"Come on Maddie yunno you like the other daughter I never had." April said trying to squeeze all three of us.

"ALRIGHT INMATE THATS ENOUGH!" The guard warned. We all returned to our seats.

"I know we don't got much time left so I just wanna say to you Maddie and Melanie, all the fighting not worth it. Don't let these hoes see you sweat they envious and just wanna get under ya skin. Let em talk, you know who you are and you know what you do. So fuck whoever don't like you. Niggas ain't like Jesus. The moment you let a nigga or a bitch see they got you mad you giving them control over you. They got you mad so they controlling your emotions and actions, the moment you lose your control.. is the moment you've already lost the game. So play it smart. I love y'all so much. I'll call when I can. GUARDDDDD!" April said getting up to be transported back to her cell.

"Love you" me and NyNy said in unison.

Ehh... I ain't really like this chapter..
Just sumn short. A filler chapter I guess 🥱
Alright let's spice shit then 🌶🔥

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