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Jealousy - Izuku Midoriya x male reader

» Genre: idk it's a lil angsty
» Requested (by anon): This one could be cute Izuku Midoriya X Male Reader HCs How does Izuku act when he's jealous?
» Warnings: overthinking
» Author's Note: the request said "cute" but my brain said nope... this turned out very different from my original plan idk. it's also kinda long

-Izuku doesn't easily get jealous over things he can't change. For all his life, he had been surrounded by people with powerful quirks and instead of being jealous, he admired and studied them to become stronger

-But when it comes to things that he can change; he can't stop the feeling of envy slowly consuming him

-So that's exactly what happened when he saw you hanging out with Iida and Uraraka more and more

-At first, he didn't think much of it. You were all in the same friend group, and why the hell should Izuku mind his boyfriend hanging out with friends? There was no reason to be jealous

-That, however, changed quickly when you cancelled your plans to go out into the city with Izuku

-"Oh, that's okay," Izuku told you. "May I ask why you're cancelling last minute?"

-You hesitated. A little too long, until the point where it was suspicious. "I have plans with Iida and Uraraka instead."

-As soon as you were out of sight, Izuku began to doubt himself and overthink. Why did you hesitate to tell him? Why did you cancel your plans with him to go out with Iida and Uraraka instead? The four of you could have gone out together, so you clearly didn't want him with you, right? Was it something he did or said? Maybe you didn't like him anymore? Maybe-

-Izuku knew a way or two to stop himself from getting consumed by his thoughts. Usually he would work out or do his homework, but this time, neither of them helped clear his mind. He kept spiralling down and down and down, and there seemed to be no end

-He thought about texting you or calling you to ask if something was wrong. So many drafts of long messages were typed out and deleted again, before Izuku figured that he should talk to you in person

-Iida, Uraraka and you came back late. A few of the other students had already gone to their rooms to sleep so the common area was fairly empty. Izuku was sitting on one of the couches, impatiently waiting while fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket. At first, he had tried following the others' conversations, but soon their voices blended into one, making it impossible for Izuku to follow any of them. He was once again left with his thoughts

-So, when you finally came through the main entrance, yawning in exhaustion from your long day at school and in the city, Izuku was a shaking mess

-He watched as you said goodnight too Iida and Uraraka before you spotted him on the couch

-You walked towards him and Izuku decided to meet you halfway, forcing himself to not look too nervous

-"Do you want to eat dinner together?" Izuku asked and forced a smile. "Oh sorry, Izuku, but I had dinner in the city."

-"That's alright." He felt his heart drop. Ever since you had moved into the dorms, it was your tradition to eat dinner together

-"It's sweet that you waited though," you told him. "Hey, how about you get some dinner and eat it in my room while I do my homework for tomorrow? If you sneak in quickly, Iida won't see you and yell at you about food in the dorms."

-Before Izuku could stop himself, he agreed. Though, that sounded like a good time to talk to you about everything so maybe it wasn't too bad after all

-He ended up sitting on your bed, quietly eating his dinner while you sat at your desk doing your homework. Still not sure about how to bring up the topic, Izuku got lost in his thoughts and blocked you every time you tried starting a conversation

-"Izuku, is something wrong?" He looked up and watched you as you sat down on the bed next to him. "You've been quiet. Did something happen?"

-"Oh, it's just..." Izuku could feel his cheeks redden and sighed to loosen up a little. "It's just that I was kind of disappointed when you went out today with Iida and Uraraka and didn't take me with you... It probably sounds silly, I'm sorry." He turned his face away from you

-"Wait, Izuku... Are you jealous?" – "Me? Jealous? No way! I mean – yeah."

-For a split second, he let himself take a glimpse at your face and he saw a sympathetic yet amused smile

-"Izuku, I would've loved having you with us in the city today, but that would've spoiled the surprise." – "Surprise?" – "Yeah. Because someone's birthday is coming up."

-"Someone's birthday," Izuku mumbled. Who could that be? Maybe Todoro-

-"Oh." Izuku was sure that his face was as red as a tomato by now, so he hid behind his hands. "This is so embarrassing, Y/N, please forgive me!" he squealed as you laughed

-"We were planning a surprise party for you but now that I've spoiled the surprise, can you at least act surprised on your birthday?"

-Izuku nodded frantically

-"This is so embarrassing; I was so worried!"

-He heard your soft laugh again. "It's cute that you were jealous, though."

My Hero Academia x gn & male reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now