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Izuku Midoriya x touch starved!male reader

» Genre: Fluff
» Requested (by anon): Could I request a bit of fluff of Midoriya trying to make his touch starved bf feel loved?
» Warnings: Overthinking

-Midoriya is extremely shy and awkward about physical affection at first, and he overthinks it a lot. Besides that, he is really considerate of your feelings and tries to make you feel as comfortable and loved as possible

-PDA is not for Midoriya. He occasionally holds your hand, but that's about it. Anything else makes him feel nervous and embarrassed and he starts blushing and freaking out

-But behind closed doors, Midoriya is extremely cuddly. He loves laying in bed, sharing a blanket, and holding you in his arms. If you're up for it, he likes playing with your hair, which is also something he likes on himself

-Probably the small spoon but doesn't mind taking either role

-Soft kisses on your cheeks, forehead and lips. Whenever he's on the receiving end, he blushes a lot. Most of the time, he can't stop thinking about what you just did and he's on cloud nine for the rest of the day. It often worries Todoroki and Iida

-Quick pecks in the hallways when Midoriya is sure that nobody is looking

-When it comes to holding hands with you, most of the time it's without your fingers intertwined or just your pinkies

Bonus scenario:

"Come on, Izuku!" You gently pull your boyfriend into the next store by his hand. Midoriya forced his eyes away from the All Might merchandise and instead focused on the new rows of clothes.

"What do you think of this one?" without letting go of his hand, you pull out a t-shirt reading 'shirt'. "It's exactly your style." Midoriya can feel his cheeks heating up a little. He grabs the shirt nonetheless. "Y-yeah. Thanks."

"I'm pretty sure they have All Might merch here, too." You drag your boyfriend further into the store to a shelf mostly featuring blue, red and yellow colours. "There you go."

Midoriya can't help but notice the bright smile on your face. It has been a while since the two of you got to go out on a date like this. His gaze falls onto your interlocked hands and a warm feeling starts spreading in his chest. "Hey Izuku, are you alri-" he cuts you off with a quick kiss to the lips. It lasts merely for a short moment, but it leaves you speechless for a few seconds.

"Thank you," Midoriya tells you and smiles, before grabbing another All Might hoodie from the shelf.

"Wha- what for?" Your boyfriend doesn't answer and only squeezes your hand.

My Hero Academia x gn & male reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now