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When did that happen? - Katsuki Bakugo x male reader

» Genre: Angst & Fluff
» Requested: I have an idea for a Bakugo x Male reader. The Mc had medium/long hair that Bakugo(or really anyone) likes to play with. Then the mc comes to school one day with a buzz cut. The rest is up to you
» Warnings: spiralling thoughts, swearing
» Words: 1.1k

Bakugo was not one for much physical affection. When he felt like it, he held your hand, on extremely rare occasions he hugged you. Being on the receiving end of physical affection was a little easier for him, though he would never in a million years admit that. Whenever you kissed his cheek, he had a hard time to hide his blush and even when it was only the two of you in the room, he tried to hide it.

However, a while into your relationship, Bakugo discovered something new: he liked playing with your hair. He enjoyed watching a movie with you in his dorm, your head on his chest and him playing with your hair. Occasional pecks on your forehead. It was calming, he loved it. Thus, it did not take long until this became a regular thing. It only happened behind closed doors, when nobody was watching, but even then, Katsuki was still a little embarrassed, making sure you would not see his rosy cheeks. But you knew that he was blushing, you knew that he enjoyed it. When your head was resting on his chest, you could tell how happy he was by the way his heart jumped, you could tell how your time alone calmed him down.

Katsuki was not the only one who loved your hair, though. In a ranking similar to the dorm ranking your class did some time ago, everyone decided that you did, in fact, have the best hair. After the ranking, when some people wanted to touch your hair, they were blown away by your boyfriend's explosions.

Everything was going well until one fateful Saturday, when you left the 1-A Alliance early and went to get a new haircut. Cutting your hair did not have any deep meaning besides wanting to try out something new. And if you ended up not liking it, it would grow back eventually. It was an idea you had had for a long time but kind of forgot to tell anyone.

So, when you came back during lunch time, your classmates were shocked to say the least.

"What the hell?" You could hear your boyfriend's voice even before you had fully stepped through the 1-A Alliance's front door.
"I'm glad to see you too, Kacchan," you greeted him.
"Stop right there," he continued yelling. "What the hell happened to your hair?! When did that happen?!" His yelling and raging attracted some other students who were bored and wanted to see the drama.
"Welcome back, Y/N!" Yaoyorozu smiled and waved. "There's still some lunch left if you'd like. Also, nice haircut!"

Bakugo looked at her and then at the other students. "What the hell are you staring at, mind your own business!" The other students complied, not wanting to mess with Bakugo right now, and moved on with what they were doing. Some rolled their eyes at his screaming but made sure he did not see it. It did not take long until only you and your boyfriend were standing in front of the entrance, with Katsuki still staring at you with his eyes wide.

"Do you-" you started as you avoided eye contact. "-do you not like it?" Bakugo did not give you an answer to that.
"Your lunch is gonna get cold," was all he said. And it was all you needed to guess his thoughts.

It hurt more than you expected. Being around Bakugo, being friends or, like you, boyfriends with him meant being told hurtful things by him. He threatened to kill the people around him, called them names, told them how superior he was to them. He also was not the best at expressing his emotions and talking about his feelings. But what he said – or did not say – hurt you. He hurt you for the first time in a while and it felt awful.

It was like a stinging right where your heart was. Your eyes burned and you lowered your gaze to not let anyone see your eyes watering, but nobody was around anymore. Even Bakugo had turned his back to you to return to the couches, where some of your classmates had gathered.

You ended up not eating lunch and instead went straight to you room to try and distract yourself with schoolwork. It was not the best distraction, though. You kept checking your watch to see if it were time for bed yet, so you could sleep and forget about the pain in your chest for a while.

Hoping for Bakugo to realize he hurt you felt a little pointless. The best way to get him to apologize or anything in that direction was to confront him about it, but you did not really feel like doing that even though that was probably the best way to handle things. Talking was the key in every relationship, after all. But the longer you thought about all this, the more pointless it felt. Your thoughts spiralled down and down and down, until eventually, all you wanted to do was bang your forehead against the table to get your mind to stop.

An aggressive knock on your dorm's door pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Come in," you said meekly, already knowing who it was. Bakugo opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. You winced at the sound. Your boyfriend walked into your room without a word and sat down on your bed, arms crossed in front of his chest.

An uncomfortable silence formed, both of you seemingly at a loss of words, wanting the other one to start the conversation.

"And?" You finally asked. It was a surprise to you that he came to talk, even though it was clearly hard for him. Bakugo huffed.
"You know," he started in his usually grumpy tone. "I reconsidered my words." Struggling for words, Bakugo gritted his teeth.
"And I realized that I may have- argh, this is hard!"
"Katsuki, I-"
"Shut up and let me apologize, dammit!" He flinched a little at his own words, and his expression as well as his tone softened after this. "I'm sorry. And I do like your new haircut." That was more than you had ever expected to hear from Bakugo in terms of apologies.
"Apology accepted."
"Thank god!" He opened his arms as to tell you to come into a hug while he let himself fall onto your bed. "Now come here, dammit."

It did not take long until you laid your head on his chest, listening to your boyfriend's heartbeat as it calmed down. Bakugo's fingers were once again busy with your hair, which came as a little surprise.
"You know what," he said after a moment as he planted a kiss on your forehead, "this is very nice, too."

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