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My hero - Pro hero!Eijiro Kirishima x civilian!male reader

» Genre: Fluff with a lil bit of angst
» Requested (by anon): May I suggest a Kirishima Eijirou x Male reader one-shot? Where they're both aged up and the reader comes back home with some bruises and a busted lip so Kirishima decides to take care of him? If not that's okay! I hope you have a wonderful day! :D
» Warnings: mentions of fighting and blood, injuries, some insecurities
» Words: ~1k

It was a bit odd that you were not home when Kirishima arrived after work. Being a pro hero always kept him busy the whole day until the evening, sometimes even at night but when he came home eventually, you were always there waiting for him with dinner and open arms. But today was different. Kirishima came home in the evening and was instead greeted by a dark and cold apartment with no trace of you. It did not smell like food and you were not there to welcome him with a loving kiss to his cheek.

"Y/N?" He called into the dark. Maybe you were not feeling well and had gone to sleep already? He checked your shared bedroom, the bathroom, even the storage room, but you were nowhere to be found. Kirishima was sure you were not out with friends, you would have told him that and there were no new messages on his phone. Whatever the reason for you being late was, Kirishima was hoping that it was not anything bad. Living in the hero society was dangerous, with pros and even regular citizens like you getting hurt frequently. Kirishima was not one to worry about the people around him and freak out too quickly so he assumed that you were fine, just bit late. Maybe stuck in traffic or something similar to that.

There was only one thing he was sure of in this situation: it was his turn to make you feel loved and welcomed upon returning home, so he went to the kitchen and started cooking. He turned on the news in the background, just in case any accidents or villain attacks had happened near where you two lived. Just in case it might be something involving you.

Kirishima quickly shook his head to get rid of this thought. You were fine, and if you were not, you would call him. He placed some pots on the stove and began cooking.

Not soon after, the kitchen and even the whole apartment smelled like delicious food. Kirishima was quite proud of himself, since he did not cook too often – most of the time you did, or he would order food, so him cooking something that might actually be enjoyable was an accomplishment. The feeling of pride that was growing in his chest did not last long though. He heard a weak knock on the door while he was busy stirring what was supposed to be soup. The knock was a barely audible over the news so Kirishima was glad he even heard it.
He rushed to the door and unlocked it quickly and with his hands shaking slightly. It had to be you but at the same time it could not be – you had a key after all. A million things went through his head in the mere second that it took him to yank open the door. And when he did, his heart dropped.

"What- what happened?" Was all Kirishima was able to say when he saw you leaning against the door frame in front of him. Your face was bloody and bruised, your arm was pressed to your torso. Kirishima stumbled forward to help you walk into the apartment. You leaned against him and sank into his arms as he half-dragged half-carried you to the living room.

"Y/N, what happened? Who did this to you?" he repeated after sitting you down on the sofa safely. While you got comfortable on the couch, Kirishima looked for a first aid kit and a cool pack.
"I got into a fight." You shrugged like it was no big thing. But to your boyfriend it was. He felt anger burn inside of him like he had not felt it in a while. Someone hurt you and he had not been there to help you. He, the pro hero had not even been able to help his boyfriend in a fight. How could he call himself a hero then? Before the thoughts could take him back to his days of intense self-doubt, Kirishima forced himself to focus on you. That was more important.

"With who?" He tried his hardest to keep his composure. With his hands shaking slightly, he wrapped the coolpack in a towel and pressed it on the swelling next to your eye. You hissed at the sensation and looked like you wanted to protest against what Kirishima was doing but quickly gave in with a sigh once you got used to the cold.
"Some guy on the street. He stole a person's wallet and I went after him," you explained, teeth gritted at the pain throbbing in your head. "He told me that this was none of my business and we fought. Lost my keys somewhere during the fight so I had to walk instead of driving."
"That wasn't very manly of him," Kirishima commented angrily.
"You don't say." You let out a laugh before grimacing in pain again which got you a deeply worried look from your boyfriend.

"You should leave the hero stuff to the pros like me, y'know?"
"Yeah I know. But nobody was around, so I had to do it."
"And that's incredibly brave of you." Kirishima smiled.
"Thank you, I appreciate that." You placed your hand over his that was still holding the cool pack and squeezed it lightly.

"Does anything else hurt?" He eyed the cut on your lip and the arm that was still pressed to your side.
"Everything does, kind of."

The two of you went silent for a while. Kirishima cleaned your wounds (he was glad that you did not seem to have taken any serious damage, only a few cuts and bruises) while you sat there silently. It did not feel like his anger would vanish any time soon, though. He was mad at the guy who had caused you trouble. He was mad that nobody had helped you. And he was mad that he himself had not been around to help you.

"Don't blame yourself," you said as though you were able to read Kirishima's mind – you knew him too well. "Eijiro, it's not your fault I ended up getting hurt a little." There was something in your voice that never failed to make Kirishima feel at ease. He felt his muscles relax as he smiled.
"You're right." He carefully cupped your cheeks and let the pad of his thumb wander over your cut lip before he planted a kiss there. "But I'm the hero after all."
"I know." You gave him another kiss. "You are my hero."

My Hero Academia x gn & male reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now