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Joint training - Denki Kaminari x male reader w/ a water quirk

»Requested (by anon): uhuhuh 👉👈🥺 maybe write something with denki and a male reader with a water quirk since like lightning is strong against jt or whatever-
»Warnings: mentions of violence and fighting

A/N: I made the reader a class 1-B student because it worked well with the plot

-Denki first noticed you during the UA sports festival's battle tournament, where he had to fight you

-The fight did not last long, though. While you tried taking Denki down with the best you had, attacking him with a fairly big amount of water from what you thought to be a safe distance, he simply discharged some electricity which was conducted directly to you by your water

-It was a devastating defeat, leaving you frustrated and with crippling self-doubt about your abilities, even though your classmates' and home room teacher's comments and feedback were mostly positive

-The next time you saw Denki was during a joint training of classes 1-A and 1-B

-The students had to form pairs of two, consisting of one student from each class, who then had to fight together against the other pairs

-While choosing the teams, chaos ensued. Some of the students (especially from your class) only reluctantly looked for a partner because of the rivalry between the classes. Others wanted the especially strong ones to team up with them, and then there were others like you, who awkwardly stood there, not sure what to do with themselves

-But to your surprise, Denki immediately approached you

-"Hey, you're the guy with the water quirk, aren't you?" He smiled brightly. "Y/N, right?"

-You simply nodded

-"I'm Denki. We fought against each other at the sports festival. Do you wanna team up?"

-"Yeah, sure," you agree without hesitation – now that you thought about it, teaming up with him might be a great advantage during a fight. The two of you went to a rather quiet place to come up with a tactic

-Though, that was mostly you talking about how and why your quirks were compatible as well as how you could utilize it against your opponents in the smartest way possible

-At the end of your explanation, Denki looked at you with a smirk. "I have no idea what you just told me, but when we use out quirks together, it's gonna blow them away, right?"

-You sighed. "Yes, that's basically it."

-Despite your partner not completely grasping what was going on, the two of you did pretty well. You managed to take down opponents individually as well as together, saving your energy that way

-You were at an advantage against the teams whose quirks were not compatible, and against those that did not really want to work together

-"Wow, you're amazing!" You heard Denki yell after you had taken down one of his classmates. "Thank you!" His words stuck with you. They gave you a boost of confidence you had not felt in a while. It felt a little like he had just struck you with a lightning, but in a positive way, one that felt good and made your heart beat a little faster. You smiled shortly before diving back into the battle

-"Hey, I know that I should focus on the task at hand, but-" Denki took a break from talking to electrocute someone "- we should totally go out some time, what do you think?"

-"Yeah, that sounds great!" The situation at hand did not leave you much time to think about what had just happened. The only thing you knew was that, whether or not you would end up winning or losing, you had something to look forward to

-Even though your team lost in the end (Denki and you tried taking down Monoma and Bakugo with an electric tsunami which fried Denki's brain and dried you out, making both of you unable to fight) you were able to appreciate this lesson more than you usually did – after all, you had a date to look forward to

My Hero Academia x gn & male reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now