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Farewells - Keigo Takami x gn!reader (no pronouns used)

» Genre: Angst with hints of fluff
» Requested: Keigo Takami with a gender neutral and the prompt 90. "Would it be okay if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you...". 👉👈
» Warnings: angst, crying, if you squint there might be hints of death, mentions of End*avor
» Words: ~1.2k

The message reached you while you were on your way home from work and it caused your heart to drop.

» It's time to say 'goodbye' once again, I'm sorry

It felt extremely out-of-character for your boyfriend to not text in his usual cheerful way with unnecessary emojis that caused you to doubt Keigo's sanity and made it hard for you to know if he was using them sarcastically or not. But this time he was clearly being serious. He was straight forward and did not try to sugar-coat his words

» Okay, I'll be there in a few

No words of affirmation, you were saving them for when you came face-to-face with Keigo. His place was not far from where you worked, so he frequently picked you up or you met at a restaurant after both of you were done with work, thus it did not take you long to get to his apartment. He opened the door almost immediately and with a surprisingly confident and relaxed smile.

"Hey there," he greeted you, "I didn't expect you to show up so quickly, you're almost as fast as I am!" A small smile adorned your lips for a second.
"I was already in the area," you explained as you stepped into his apartment. Keigo closed the door behind you.
"I'm not even done packing yet!" he sighed dramatically. Keigo kicked some of the cardboard boxes standing around in front of the entrance out of the way with his foot. "The commission really picks the worst times to send me away." You hummed in agreement.

Keigo's room was filled with boxes too, reminding you of your own apartment. However, it looked like Keigo had packed a little more than you and was ready to move into your first shared place soon. A few boxes were still open, presumably the ones which contained things that the hero needed for the next mission. A red bag laid on the bed with clothes half-heartedly stuffed into it, all wrinkled and crumpled.

Instinctively, you walked over to his bed and began folding the clothes properly to make it easier for Keigo to fit everything in the bag.
"When are you going to leave?" you asked after a while without looking at him.
"In about an hour." Your heart stung at that; you did not have much time left. You placed a few t-shirts in the bag and then got to Keigo's hero costume.
"Judging by the amount of clothes it will be a longer mission?"
"Yeah, but-," your boyfriend sounded more cheerful again, "-I'll send you a postcard, alright? Maybe I'll send one to Endeavor too. I should make a list with people I-" his rambling died down suddenly. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." You folded one more shirt of his and took a hoodie next but turned around before folding it. Even though he tended to drop the act around you, Keigo hiding his feelings from you was not new to you. He had been trained to do so after all, but you barely saw him having so much trouble with it.

"Y/N..." Keigo sighed as he took a step forward. You failed at what he had mastered; even though you were smiling, pretending to be fine, tears were dwelling in your eyes. "I'm okay, don't worry," you lied. It was not to convince your boyfriend of that but rather to tell yourself that you were.

In the next moment you were in Keigo's arms, face buried in his shirt, shaking with every sob. Normally, Keigo would whisper reassurances or joke a little to get you to lighten up, but he only stood there in silence. His fingertips drew circles on your back as he held you tightly. You were still clutching one of Keigo's hoodies, pressing it to your chest.

"You – no – we will be alright," Keigo whispered after a while. However, he did not sound fully convinced of that himself. "I'm gonna be back soon and we're going to move in together. But first we'll go on a date. How does that sound?" You nodded without looking up at him. "I'm thinking about that restaurant around the corner down at-" He was interrupted by the all too familiar sound of the phone he used specifically for the hero commission. Keigo muttered some curses under his breath as he reluctantly let go of you to get his phone, leaving you cold and alone.

Your boyfriend quickly disappeared into a different room to keep whatever he needed to talk about a secret. An overwhelming feeling of exhaustion washed over you and you sat down on Keigo's bed next to the bag. You stared down at the piece of clothing in your lap with a small but sad smile. He would come back eventually, at least you hoped so. It was not hard for you to guess that Keigo thought about his next mission as a particularly dangerous one – the way he was so serious about it, how he was barely able to keep himself together – you had never seen him like that before.
Of course you had offered to come with him in the past, but the hero commission's doings were none of your business and staying out of everything was for the better, even though it meant being left alone at home, only being able to worry about Keigo.

"Sorry about that." Keigo re-entered the room after a few minutes. His eyes met yours and you could see sadness and guilt in them even though you could not hear them in his voice. "I need to leave soon." You hummed understandingly and watched Keigo take a jacket out of one of the boxes. "Thank you for packing my bag by the way! I- I couldn't really get myself to do it."
"Don't mention it." Once again, you looked down at the hoodie in your hands. "Keigo?" "Hm?" "Would it be okay if I borrowed your hoodie? It smells like you and-" Keigo cut you off with a chuckle. "Of course!"

His face lit up. "If it helps you, keep it! That's really cute and I bet you'd look stunning in it – you always are, though!" He laughed a little, a sound you were very happy to hear. "Though wearing it might be a little cold because of the holes in the back!" He vaguely gestured at his own back and wings. Your boyfriend pulled up his sleeve and revealed the bracelet you got him for your anniversary this year. "Now we both have something that makes us think about each other!" You returned his smile and nodded.

Keigo took a look at his watch and became serious again. "Alright, it's time to go."
You led him to the door by his hand.
"Promise me to take care of yourself and to stay safe," he demanded.
"You're one to talk." Keigo shrugged.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise." Taking your hand in his, your boyfriend leaned into a kiss. He lingered there for a while but not for long enough, before he turned on his heels and left you standing on his doorstep, the hoodie in your hands.

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