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Fluff Alphabet - Tamaki Amajiki x gn!reader

Requested: hi! could you do h, r, s, and w for tamaki
» Warnings: Anxiety & self-doubt

h is for hugs and cuddles - how do they cuddle? what about hugs?

-Tamaki is very cuddly. When watching movies or something like that in your or his dorm, he shares his blanket with you while cuddling into you. It's something that comforts him and calms him down after a long and tiring day. And he also just likes being so close to you

-He is the little spoon. He loves being held by you, it makes him feel safe and loved. And if you plant kisses in the crook of his neck, he will love you forever. That's one of the things that make him weak in the knees and he wishes moments like these would never stop

-Even though Tamaki prefers being the little spoon, he doesn't mind being the big spoon from time to time. He enjoys holding you as much as being held by you

-When Tamaki is feeling anxious and wants to hide, he tends to turn to you and hug you. He closes his eyes and hides his face, mutely begging you to go home or, if that isn't possible, for you to hold and reassure him

r is for romance - are they romantic?

-Tamaki is romantic in his own way. He would never show up in front of your door with a bouquet and ask you out to a date in an expensive restaurant, but instead focuses more on words. Sometimes he tells you how awesome you are and how much he loves you, sometimes he likes to recall his favourite memories with you and tell you about them. It's his own unique way of being romantic

-"Y/N, in a way, you are like the moon and the stars to me," he murmured into your shirt as he melted into your embrace. "When it's dark and I don't know where to go, you're always there to show me the way. And even when I can't see you, I know that you're still there to support me and watch over me. Thank you for that."

s is for sympathy - how do they comfort their partner? how do they like being comforted?

-He is good at reading people, so he knows when you're feeling bad and need him. He always asks you what's wrong and if you'd like to talk about it. If you do, he's a pretty good listener and a good shoulder to cry on

-Most of the time, Tamaki comforts you with words of reassurance. Reassuring others is probably the only time where he's more confident and optimistic – he tells you that you're doing great, that you're strong, that everything will work out in the end

-Comforting Tamaki is a little harder. If you come off as too optimistic when giving him advice, he appreciates it but doesn't believe a word you're saying to him. So it's important to stay rational and real with him when comforting him

-When he gets nervous in public, a way to comfort him his holding his hand and giving it reassuring squeezes, as well as letting him hide behind you when it gets too much for him

w is for wild card - a random fluff headcanon

-Besides cuddling and holding hands, Tamaki also loves kisses. Mostly small and quick ones on his or your cheek, quick pecks on the lips. He enjoys it when you kiss his neck or collarbone when you're cuddling

-However, when you're in public, kissing really embarrasses him. He starts blushing and stuttering even more

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