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General Dating Headcanons - Tamaki Amajiki x male reader x Mirio Togata

» Genre: Fluff
» Requested: First, have a nice day and don't forget to take care of yourself! What you think about a headcanon with Mirio x M!Reader x Tamaki?
» Warnings: mentions of anxiety & anxiety attacks

Dating Tamaki and Mirio would include:

-Going on dates whenever you have free time, always to the same locations like the coffee shop around the corner or the movie theatre. Sharing popcorn and milkshakes while laughing together, forgetting about your duties for a while

-Sometimes Nejire tags along as a fourth wheel

-You spend many movie nights in one of your dorms, cuddling and sharing a blanket

-Mirio loves superhero movies and comedies, but he's also a fan of horror and romance. Tamaki, on the other hand, likes fantasy and science fiction the most and absolutely hates horror, it gives him anxiety. It doesn't matter what you end up watching, you always have a lot of fun in the end

-Most of the time those nights end with Tamaki and you falling asleep on Mirio's chest

-Tamaki and you often steal and wear Mirio's clothes. He doesn't mind though; he finds it adorable

-Mirio doesn't use doors very often and it's something that took you a lot of time to get used to. It can be frightening when you're relaxing and suddenly Mirio comes through the wall, butt naked.
"Y/N, stop- stop screaming! It's just me!" He laughs.
"Mirio, dear gods, what do you want?"
"I ran out of instant noodles, do you still have some?"

-Helping Tamaki during anxiety attacks or with public speaking and reassuring him whenever he doubts himself. It's hard for him a lot of the time, but he's glad to have you and Mirio by his side

-Both of your boyfriends are super supportive of you. When you are feeling down and need someone to listen, they're always there for you. Mirio and Tamaki are both good at giving advice and cheering you up

-All three of you are super busy with hero stuff and school, so sometimes you don't see each other for days, despite living in the same building. For that, you have a group chat. Though, Nejire is in it too, which means absolute chaos sometimes

-Mirio prefers longer kisses on the lips. Ones where he pulls you close to his chest, a hand around your waist, the other one resting on your cheek. He's into PDA and openly kisses you in front of other people

-Tamaki prefers to kiss you on the cheek. Quick pecks but he sometimes lingers there for longer. Unlike Mirio, PDA is not for Tamaki. He has no problem hugging you or holding your hand in front of other people, but kisses make him feel embarrassed and he blushes a lot when other people who aren't Mirio are watching

-When it comes to hugs and cuddling, Tamaki is your go-to partner. He is often the one hugging you first, when he's nervous, burying his face in your shirt. He's also super cuddly in bed and prefers being the smaller spoon

-Mirio is the big spoon most of the time. He also hugs you and Tamaki a lot – his hugs are incredibly warm and inviting, something you can melt into at any time

-At some point, Mirio formally introduces you and Tamaki to Eri. She is a little shy with you at first, like she is with most people, but when she sees the way Mirio interacts with both of you, she starts warming up

-Nobody in the whole school would ever mess with the three of you. Not even in a one on one situation. Everyone knows that if they tried, they would get their asses kicked

-Even though you are not a part of the big three, you can always be seen around them. They adopted you into their group and nobody questioned it

-Nejire absolutely adores you three together and she's a super supportive friend

-You spend quite some time sparring and working out together. If you like it or not, it's a huge part of becoming a hero, but it's also a great excuse to hang out with your boyfriends on a regular basis

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