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Between rehearsals and festivals - Denki Kaminari x male reader

» Genre: fluff
» Requested (by anon): Hiya um how about a Denki Kaminari wanting to ask out Male Reader to the festival?
» Warnings: anxiety & overthinking
» Words: 1.1k

The school festival was an opportunity in many different ways. It was an opportunity to ease the public's doubts about UA, for class 1-A to give something back to the other courses for causing them so much trouble, and last but definitely not least: going to the festival together on a date. To Kaminari and his friends, the festival seemed like a perfect opportunity to ask someone out on a real date – strolling around campus, watching the other classes' performances, getting something to eat together and maybe steal a quick kiss at a quiet spot where nobody could see them – it seemed perfect.

Kaminari had had his eyes on you for a while. To his friends it was quite obvious, they teased him a lot about it, telling him to finally ask you out. Their teasing kept getting more and more, until Kaminari decided to finally do it.

"I'm going to ask him to go to the festival with me as a date," he proudly announced to his friends during lunch.

"Thank god!" Kirishima exclaimed and punched Kaminari's shoulder playfully. "That's a good decision, very manly!"
"Thanks, dude! I'm still thinking about how to actually do it, but I'll figure it out! It can't be that hard, am I right?"

It turned out to not be that easy out of multiple reasons.

Due to the festival preparations, everyone was busy all the time. Whenever Kaminari was done with band practice and wanted to talk to you in private, you were studying the choreography for the performance with your group. There was always some sort of preparation going on and Kaminari could never catch a break, not even one minute that it would take him to ask you on a date.

And then there was something, that surprised even Kaminari. On the very few occasions where he actually approached you to ask you, there was something holding him back.

"Hey, Y/N!" He called out and waved at you to get your attention. "Do you have a minute?" You looked at your watch and nodded as you walked to where Kaminari was taking a short break on a bench.
"About forty-five seconds, so hurry up!" That was less time than Kaminari expected, but he could work with that.

"There's something I meant to ask you for a while now," he started.
"Yeah?" His heart rate picked up speed at the way you looked at him – eyes on him, waiting patiently for what he had to say despite being in a rush. Nervousness washed over Kaminari like a tsunami, making it almost impossible for him to speak for a moment. He felt his hands starting to shake, so he buried them in his pockets.
"I wanted to ask if you- uhm," he stuttered. Why was he not able to ask you this? Why was he nervous? He had never backed down like this before when it came to asking someone out! "Do you maybe want to..." A frown appeared on your face as you tilted your head to the side, still waiting patiently.
"I-" Kaminari started feeling nauseous. "I wanted to show you how good I have become at playing guitar!" he blurted and mentally punched himself in the face.

"Yeah, sure! I'd love to hear you play!" How could you react so positively to Kaminari embarrassing himself?
"Well, just see me later then." He faked a smile.
"I'm looking forward to it!" And with that, you went back to work.

On the inside, Kaminari was screaming at himself for the whole afternoon. He texted his friends about what had happened, and they tried cheering him up, wished him good luck for when you would meet him again in the evening.

The few hours until dinner time felt like years to Kaminari. He could not stop thinking about you or how he was embarrassing himself, which caused him to lose his concentration during rehearsal. Bakugo yelled at him for that, which did not make the situation any better.

When he was finally back in his room and sitting on his bed, guitar in his lap, his fingers shook as he was tuning it. Kaminari looked up when he heard a knock on his door.
"Come in?" You opened the door slowly and stepped into his room.

After greeting your friend, you quickly sat down on his desk chair to listen to what Kaminari was going to play.

His finger's joints and pads ached as he once again brought them to the strings. Once he had taken a few deep breaths, Kaminari started playing.

He was a little shaky at first, but as soon as he had found his own rhythm, everything went smoothly. The song he had chosen was not the one they were practicing for the school festival, but a different one that he knew you liked. His fingers' grip on the strings was almost perfect and he barely messed up any of the chords. The thoughts and self-doubt that had been clouding his mind faded by the second, letting him play everything freely while enjoying himself.

When the song came to an end, Kaminari sighed in relief.

"So, what do you think?" He put the guitar down as you applauded. "It sounds amazing!"
"You think so?"
"Yeah! I can't wait to hear you perform at the festival!" The excitement in your voice made Kaminari smile. "I'm hoping that I won't be too nervous on the day," he admitted. "I practiced a lot, y'know?"
Pride grew in his chest at your compliments and he was glad that he had reached his goal of impressing you with his new guitar-playing skills, even though that was a bit un-planned.
"It's a little sad that I can't actually watch you perform," you told him. "Since I'm on the dance team, I won't be able to pay attention to you."

Kaminari was sure he was blushing. His face was heating up and he tried to his it by turning away from you a little.

"It's a shame I can't see you dance either."

The two of you fell silent for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Outside Kaminari's window it was getting darker by the minute. The next day would be the last before the festival. Time was running out for him.

"About the festival," Kaminari started. He had to do this now. "After the performance. Would you like to go with me to see what the other classes are doing?" Come on, he could do this! It was a simple question! Just one more thing! "Maybe as a date?" His heart had never been pounding any faster in his damn life. Kaminari was sure that if he became any more nervous, it would jump out of his chest.
"I'd love that!" It was your answer that made Kaminari's heart skip a few beats before going back to normal. Relief washed over him and he sighed, relaxing his tensed muscles and unclenching his fists. "Oh, I'm glad!" He grinned at you. "I'll see you at the festival then."

My Hero Academia x gn & male reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now