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Fluff Alphabet - Keigo Takami x gn!reader 

» Requested (by @iron-jin​): Back-up ask : E N Y with Hawks :) 
» Warnings: nightmares 

e is for emotion - is it easy for them to express their emotions in front of their partner?

-Keigo is someone who tries to appear carefree most of the time, even when he is feeling down. He tries not to keep up this act in front of you though. Lying is too much work in his eyes and it would only make things more complicated in your relationship, so he attempts to let down his walls and talk about his true feelings with you

-Positive emotions are easier for him. He has no problem laughing with you when he's feeling joyful, or kissing you out of feeling love. Negative emotions are not as easy, and he sometimes finds himself hiding them

-He always tries to freely express the negative emotions around you as well, even though he would rather see you happy and not worried about him, but having an honest and trusting relationship with you is more important to him

n is for nightmare - how do they deal with nightmares? Do they seek comfort in their partner? How would they comfort their partner if it were them having a nightmare?

-Keigo prefers to share his nightmares with you and tries to make light of the situation while doing it. Having you listen to him and being there for him is enough to comfort him most of the time. On rare occasions, he asks you to go fly somewhere with him because that clears his mind and allows him to think about nothing for a while

-When you have a nightmare, he is open to comfort you in whatever way you prefer. If you'd like to talk about it, he listens. If you want to clear your mind, he finds something to distract you with. And if you want to be comforted by him cuddling with you or something similar, he's totally up for that, too

y is for yearning - what do they do when they are missing their partner?

-If it's possible, he tries to talk to you over the phone or text you as often as he can. If that's not possible, he checks his phone every five minutes for a text from you, only to be left in disappointment when he doesn't see any notifications

-Most of the time, Keigo tends to try and clear his head, mostly by flying to places. He goes back to the spots you have visited together in the past and digs up the memories he has made with you, letting them replay in his head for a while

My Hero Academia x gn & male reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now