The Ultimate Baker

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I've been chosen for the Ultimates Program at Hopes Peak Academy!

I've never been so excited for anything in my entire life! I barely got any sleep last night, but that's alright since I don't really get any sleep in general.

I'm scurrying to get ready as I try to decide on what I should wear for my first day. I finally decide on a F/C sweater, a pleated skirt, and my favorite apron.

I grab my things and head out the door as I don't bother to say goodbye to my older brother (who's still asleep) before I finally have peace in a room without him. He didn't even congratulate me when I got the acceptance letter. What a dick.

*time skip*

I'm standing at the gates of Hopes Peak. It was way less intimidating than the day when I moved my essentials to my dorm.

My thoughts start to circle around my head; "You're not supposed to be here" "Run away" "You'll never fit in" "No one will care about you or your pastries" "You're never going to graduate" "Get the fuck out"

No! Hope's Peak chose me for a reason!

I suppress my fear and march through the huge gates of Hopes Peak Academy. I'm ready. I'm finally ready to call myself...

The Ultimate Baker.

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