Plans For Tonight

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I definitely won't wear skirts to school now on. I can't look anyone in the eye today. It's too embarrassing. Not to mention me having to wear long sleeves to hide my new scars.

Today, I'm wearing a thin grey sweater along with shorts that go down to my lower thighs. And I obviously wear my signature F/C apron.

It's time for lunch. I head down to the cafeteria and wait for Teruteru. When I find a table, I sit down and look around at everyone's lunches. I let out a sigh and get on my phone to distract me.

Despite being the Ultimate Baker, I don't eat lunch. I need to loose more weight. I just sit at my table and write some recipes down on my phone.

A familiar hand touches down on the table. I look up and it's Teruteru looking cheerful as ever. "Hey, Teruteru!" I greet him as he sits down next to me.

He pulls a tupperware out of his bag. "Y/N... If you don't mind me asking, why haven't you eaten lunch since the first day of school?" he asks with curiosity. I briefly explain, "I don't eat lunch. Lunch always makes me gain weight, so I skip it."

He has a flabbergasted expression on his face. "Why on Earth would you need to skip meals?" he asks but then changes his tone. "Your body already looks like a tasty meal." My cheeks turn hot and I shake my head.

He hands me his tupperware. "Here you go! I have plenty on me," he says in a regular tone. "Oh! Thank you, but you don't need to do this for me." I decline, but he demands, "I won't stop bothering you about this until you have some food in your stomach." I give in yet again, and take the tupperware.

When I open it up, the wonderful smell hits my nose. My mouth starts to water. I can tell this is a chicken sandwich, but how is it able to look like a 6 star meal? I can't help it. I will eat this sandwich!

As usual, I'm lifted into heaven on the first bite. The crispy bread balances the spices on the chicken perfectly. It amazes me that he can make an ordinary sandwich into something that would be on the menu of an expensive restaurant.

I look back at Teruteru who's eating his own chicken sandwich. He made food for me this morning and gave me his lunch. I need to repay him. I'll deliver some dessert to his dorm tonight.

I have the rest of the day to think about it.. I can't ask him what he likes, I want to surprise him! He seems like a chocolate kind of guy. Maybe I'll make something with chocolate.

I begin to brainstorm all of the chocolate desserts I can think of while I eat my chicken sandwich. Maybe a regular chocolate cake? Nah. Too boring. Same thing about chocolate chip cookies and brownies...

Lava cake. I'll make him some lava cake! I finish the sandwich and chat with Teruteru before the bell rings. We walk to class together as I try to keep from accidentally telling him about what I'm going to make for him.

I can barely contain my excitement as I walk into the classroom. I even ignore whatever Hiyoko said to me. She looks pissed, but I don't care anymore. Tonight will be about Teruteru.

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