Y/N's Birthday

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I wake up to my alarm ringing as loud as ever. Lazily, I roll out of bed and onto the floor. I pick myself up and shut off the alarm. I rub my eyes and take a look at my calendar. When my vision clears, I see the writing on today's date: My Birthday

As I'm in the middle of undressing, I get a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I respond. The familiar voice behind the door says, "It's me!" I don't even need to ask who "me" is. I already know it's Teruteru. "Alright, hold on! I'm not dressed yet!" I call back as I scramble to slip on my clothes. "Even better," he says in a perverted tone.

I chuckle at his inappropriate comment. When I get my skirt on (With shorts underneath), I run to the door. What greeted me when I opened the door was Teruteru holding a stack of pancakes with a lit candle on top. I gasp a little. "Happy birthday, Y/N!" Teruteru says in the sweetest tone ever.

I smile and even tear up a bit. My brother didn't even bother to do anything on my birthday. He would just said happy birthday to me and ignore me for the rest of the day.

"Aww, Teruteru.. Thank you so much! You didn't have to do this," I say as I let him in my room. He sets the pancakes on the table. I sit down and stare at the pancakes. "Make a wish, Y/N!" Teruteru encourages. I close my eyes and think of a wish. When I make the wish, I open my eyes and blow out the candle.

"What'd ya wish for?" Teruteru whispers in his smooth accent. Something about that accent sends chills down my spine. I smirk and jokingly flirt, "I wish you would keep talking in your real voice."

His cheeks turn red and he covers his face. I laugh at him being so flustered. He's always like this whenever I flirt back at him. Teruteru seems to finally pull himself together and moves his mouth closer to my ear.

I feel his hot breath on me. It adds to the effect that his voice gives me. I bite my lip. "Anythin' for you, mon amie." He whispers even more seductively. My heart flutters in my chest. I giggle and start to eat my pancakes.

They're amazing, as I expected from the Ultimate Chef. Teruteru begins to walk to the door. I ask, with my mouth full, "Where are you going?" He just smiles and says, "I'm just making extra preparations for this special day... I'll see you in class, sugar." He winks, then leaves my room. I snicker. Oh, Teruteru.. Always going all out for me.

I eat the rest of the pancakes and put the plate on the counter. I haven't had a real birthday in forever. Who knows what Teruteru might be planning for me?

I check my phone. No texts or calls from my brother. Maybe he's still sleeping still... Ugh I doubt it. I put my phone back down. He wouldn't actually ignore my birthday.... Right? I sigh and place my palms on my face.

"I need to stop over thinking..." I mumble to myself. I go to the bathroom and stare at my pocket knife that's on top if the sink. I grab it in my hand. Before I can carve my skin, I shake my head and put it in my pocket. "Fresh start, fresh start. Your not home anymore," I whisper to myself.

I need to take my mind off of this. I open my door. Once I close it, I slowly start walking to class.


No one seems to be affected by my birthday except for Teruteru. But some people look like they're trying their hardest to keep a secret. What did he do? Is he planning to surprise me?

I'm walking out of my last class when Teruteru catches up to me. "Hey! Y/N! I need to show you something!" he says. He takes out a blindfold from his pocket. I laugh nervously. "What's that for?" He quickly explains, "I.. It's not for what you think."

"We could use it for that later, though," He comments, smirking at me. "If you're into it, I'm into it," I joke. "Just put it on right now! I'll lead the way!"

I grab the blindfold from him. Hesitantly, I wrap it around my eyes. Pitch black. All I can see is pitch black. I move my hands around, trying to find Teruteru's hand. He grabs my hand instead and starts walking.

Who knew I would trust him this much?

Teruteru POV:

I'm happy that Y/N trusts me enough to lead her through a parking lot when she's blindfolded. Seeing her with my blindfold makes my nose bleed. Not a lot, just one drop or so. I use a handkerchief to wipe it away.

I lead Y/N to where my car is parked. Y/N doesn't question me as I sit her down on the front passenger seat. "Buckle up, Y/N," I say in a flirty tone. She eventually finds the buckle and buckles up.

"Alright, where the hell are you taking me?" she finally asks. I get in the driver's seat and only say, "A special place." I start the car and start driving to the location. I smile to myself and mutter loud enough for her to hear, "I didn't invite Hiyoko." She sighs with relief. "Good," she mumbles. "I've had enough of her bullshit."

On our way there, we talk about our families, food, travelling, and we obviously flirt with each other.

All this flirting makes me wanna become more than friends with her... I think I need to be more obvious. I don't want to scare her away, though.. I try my hardest to push that feeling away and try to focus in the road.

When we reach our location, I park in the front spot I reserved. I get out of the car with Y/N. I grab her hand and lead her to the doors. When I open them, the building is pitch black. Perfect... just as planned. "Where are we?" Y/N asks quietly.

I shush her and take off her blind fold. I tap my foot as the signal to turn on the lights. The lights suddenly turn on, revealing all of our classmates standing together wearing birthday hats and holding a birthday cake. They all yell, "SURPRISE!"

I look at Y/N's face. Her eyes light up like never before. Her hand covers her mouth. We all cheer for her and sing happy birthday. Before we could even finish the song, she's crying her eyes out. She blows out the candles and tries to wipe her eyes, but tears keep falling from her cheeks.

Y/N pulls me close to her body and gives me a tender hug. My face turns red as it fits right into her boobs. I turn my face away from her clothes, trying not to stain her nice sweater with the blood coming from my nose.

It turns into a group hug after Akane joins in. Eventually, everyone was crowding around me and Y/N.

When everyone settles down and Y/N stops crying, I get to the kitchen right away to prepare a feast for 15 people.

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