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Teruteru POV:

I open the doors to the kitchen and see Y/N already here.

She turns towards me. "O-Oh. I guess we're both early," she says with a small grin on her face. "W-what did you wanna make together?"

"Well I was wanting to make some dinner and desert for all of our new classmates. And since you're a baker and I'm a chef, we could make a pretty good team!" I try to say as smoothly as possible. She gives me a bright smile and says cheerfully, "Alright then! Let's get to work!"

I laugh a little and say, "That's good! Because I already told them we'd be making dinner tonight!"

*time skip because the author is lazy*

Y/N Pov:

Teruteru is cleaning his cooking area while the cupcakes are almost done baking. While I'm waiting for the last minute to go by, my mind starts to wander. Why did I choose cupcakes? Should I have went with macaroons, cookies, or crème brûlée? What does Teruteru think about thi-


Cupcakes are ready. I slip on my oven mitt and open up the oven. I bend down and slowly and carefully take out the cupcakes. I set them on the counter and realize that Teruteru is staring at me. I turn to face him. "What is it?" I ask him.

He's staring so intently. It's like he's in some sort of trance. Blood starts to drip from his nose.

"Uh.. Teruteru? You're nose is bleeding." I say. He snaps out of whatever trance he was in and finally says, "You definitely got that cake..." and wipes his nose with a nearby towel. He continues cleaning his cooking space.



I couldn't help myself but turn around and hide my face. So he's a bit of a pervert, then?

Teruteru POV:

I smirk to myself as I see Y/N cover her face. I made her flustered. It all depends if that's a good thing or a bad thing if she decides to leave or not.

But I can't get the image of her "cake" out of my head. I'm not complaining, though! Let me just say it was a great view.

Once I'm finished cleaning my counter, I start to watch her frost the cupcakes.

I watch in awe as she frosts each cupcake with such precision, yet does it so quickly. When she sprinkles on the rainbow sprinkles, there's not much mess on the counter.

Every cupcake looks perfect and delicious. I just want to try one right now. As if she read my mind Y/N asked me, "Would you like to try one?" I nod politely as she gives me a perfectly frosted cupcake.

Every part of the cupcake seemed to be perfect. The frosting, the sprinkles, the golden brown cake... Y/N eagerly waits for me to take a bite. I don't hesitate for one bit to have a taste of the cupcake.

It tastes as amazing as it looks. The frosting is as fluffy as a cloud and the cake is nice and moist. I can't shake this nostalgic feeling I'm having... It reminds me of mama.

"Mmm!" I exclaim. "So you like it?" Y/N responds, sounding a bit nervous. I nod with agreement as I eat the rest of the cupcake. I will definitely remember that cupcake for the rest of my life.

I wiped my mouth with a nearby towel and placed the dishes I prepared on a big tray while Y/N places her cupcakes on a huge plate and carries it with one hand.

She offers help with the main dishes, but I insist that I can do it myself. I'm just trying to impress her again.

She then opens the kitchen doors leading to the cafeteria where all of our new classmates are already waiting to taste our food.

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