Dessert For Teruteru

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Teruteru POV:

As soon as I'm finished with my last class for the day, I head back to my dorm. I take off my shoes, apron, and hat as soon as I enter.

I flop onto my bed. I close my eyes and daydream about Y/N. Her beautiful sparkling E/C eyes, her H/L H/C hair, her "cake"... Everything about her is like she stepped out of a fairytale.

I almost wonder if we could be the perfect couple. A baker and a chef. It sounds too perfect to even be a reality. I would kill to taste her cupcakes again... And some other things from her also.

Blood trickles down my nose at the wonderful thought of it.


Teruteru sits next to me and gives me some dinner. He's too sweet. I don't deserve him...

As soon as I finish dinner, I get up to quickly put my plate in the dishwasher and make a break to my dorm. As I'm walking out the cafeteria doors, Teruteru catches with me and says, "Wait! Y/N, where are you going? Did I say something..?"

I look back at him and quickly come up with, "It's a girl thing... See you later!" It, in fact, isn't a girl thing. It's a baker's thing. I rush into my dorm and run to the oven. I check the timer. Good. It only has 5 minutes left.

I walk to the bathroom and spot my pocket knife. It's ominous looking at it. Almost like it's taunting me. But I'm done with all of that. This year is a fresh start. This year I will throw away old habits.

Before I can finish my thoughts, the oven timer goes off. I quickly run to the oven and put on my oven mit. I take out the lava cake and put it on the counter to cool.

After about a minute or so, I sprinkle some powdered sugar onto the cake. I debate on whether to put on a scoop of ice cream on top or a strawberry. I go with a strawberry and call it a night.

I carefully place the plate of lava cake on a tray and cover it up with a plate cover. It looks like I'm ready to give this to him. I go back to my bathroom to fix up my hair and put on a bit of perfume.

I grab the lava cake and head out the door. I'm about to start walking to Teruteru's room, but a familiar voice calls out my name. "Hey! Y/N! Actually, I think skank is more of a suitable name for you!"

I turn towards Hiyoko, who has her hands on her hips. God I hate her. She embarrassed me in front of everyone last night. "What do you want?" I ask, clearly irritated. "You didn't answer my question in class!" she yells in a bratty manner. "I asked how small he was!"

I ask, visibly confused, "What's that supposed to mean? How small who was?" She bursts out in laughter. When she's done she says, "Are you really that stupid? I'm asking you how small the pervert chef's dick was!" My cheeks turn hot. "How the hell am I supposed to know THAT?" I demand.

She yells, "Don't play dumb, skank! I know you two hooked up last night!" What?! Where is she getting this from?! "No we didn't! We're just friends! What makes you think we hooked up?!" I sputter. She just giggles and says, "Teruteru came out of your room this moring. There's no doubt!"

I exhale sharply, trying not to throw down Teruteru's freshly made dessert and smack this brat. As calmly as I can I say, "He made me breakfast. That's all. Now leave me alone. Bother someone else. I have dessert to deliver." I walk away from the situation. She makes one final remark, "I knew the pervert chef would stay a virgin anyways!"

I ignore her antics and head to Teruteru's room. I reach the door and knock softly, but loud enough to hear.

Teruteru POV:

I get a knock at my door. Who could this be? I open up the door slightly and peek out. It's Y/N! I fully open the door and greet her. "Ah! Hello there, Y/N! What brings you here?" She gives a sweet smile and says, "I just wanted to thank you for making me food today... So I made a special dessert for you!"

I realize she's holding a serving tray that's covered up. I wonder what's in there.. She politely asks, "May I come in?" I reply with, "Why, of course you may, sugar." I let her in. She looks around my room.

She definitely notices my poster and my dirty magazines in my room. She doesn't seem to think much of it. That's good.

She places the tray on my table I quickly sit down, eager to see what she made for me. She unveils the cover which reveals a chocolate cake. Wait. No, it's a lava cake! "Woah!" I gasp in awe.

I can't stop looking at it. It almost looks too beautiful to eat. I take a bite of the strawberry first, trying to savor the sight of this beautiful lava cake. I take one final look at this masterpiece before I take a piece with my fork.

The chocolate slowly pouring out made me think really dirty thoughts. I smirk and look at Y/N. She snickers and tells me to just eat it.

As soon as my tongue touches the velvety chocolate, I'm lifted into a world of sweetness. The cake and the warm chocolate create a perfect texture that makes me want more.

It's surprisingly not too sweet like I imagined it would be. How foolish of me to underestimate the Ultimate Baker... I look at Y/N with amazed eyes but I can't form any words out of my mouth.

Y/N giggles and jokes, "I'm assuming that means you like it..?" I nod my head and continue to eat the beautiful lava cake.

She smiles sweetly at me. "I'm going to go now. Enjoy your lava cake!" She says before she starts walking towards the door. I quickly swallow a piece of the lava cake and call out, "Wait! Don't go yet! I... Wanna hang out for a little longer." Y/N looks back at me.

She walks back and says, "Well.. If you insist on me staying, I will." We talk for a long time while I eat the wonderful dessert that Y/N went out of her way to make just for me.

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