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Teruteru POV:

I wake up about half an hour before my alarm is supposed to go off. I decide to get out of bed and get ready.

While I'm styling my hair in my usual pompadour, my mind starts wandering. Last night was horrible. I feel so bad for Y/N. I need to make it up to her somehow...

That's it! I can make her breakfast! I quickly put on clothes and my apron and get to work. I decide to make her an omelette with cheese, tomatoes, and jalapenos.

When I'm finished scrambling the eggs, I chop up the tomatoes and jalapenos and set them aside. I pour the eggs on a pan and wait for it to cook for a while before I put in the cheese, tomatoes, and jalapenos.

When I finish the omelette, I carefully place it in a tupperware and put on the lid. I do the same with my own omelette. I hope she'll love this!

As I'm walking to her dorm, tupperwares in hand, I ask myself all of these questions.. What will happen if she doesn't accept it? What if she doesn't want to be friends anymore? ...What if she's naked?

I try to ignore my inner thoughts after that last one. Don't want to get a nosebleed or anything worse when I'm there.

I'm standing in front of her dorm. Why am I so nervous? My palms are getting sweaty. Despite this, I knock on her door. She answers from the other side of the door, "W-who is it?" I reply, "It's Teruteru. I made you breakfast."

She unlocks her door and opens it up. She's only wearing a large night shirt. Her H/C hair is all over the place. I smoothly ask, "May I come in?" She nods and I step inside of her room.

I look all over her room. It's nothing much, just a bunch of cookbooks on the bookshelf and lots of ingredients in the kitchen. I look back at her and hand her her omelette. She hesitantly takes it and sits down on her bed. I sit down next to her.

That's when I notice the bandages on her arms. I ask her if she's alright, but she just nods and continues eating her omelette.

I begin to say the lines I'd practiced right before I walked out of my room,"I want to apologize again for not helping you when you fell. I shouldn't have gotten distracted-" "No..." She interjects. "I should've worn shorts underneath. It's my fault.."

I try to assure her "Don't listen to what Hiyoko says. It was my fault-" But she interrupts again, sounding sharper, "I would have fell either way and showed my underwear infront of everyone!"

I decide that it's my time to shut up. I eat my own omelette and take occasional glances at her bandages. During this silence I blurt out, "What happened to your arms?" Damn it.

She flinches a bit. She looks at her arms and shrugs. I guess that's all I'm getting out of her.

I decide not to push it, so I change the subject. "Do you still want to be friends?" I ask, trying my best not to sound desperate. She looks at me and swallows a piece of her omelette. She says in a soft and friendly manner, "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

I finally decide to cut the small talk. "Well, I thought you would be mad at me for looking at your underwear when you fell. I mean, I know everyone was looking at you, but I should've done something to cover you. And when you ran away crying-"

"I wasn't crying," she mutters under her breath. I continue. "I was so worried about you.." She looks surprised. "You were... Worried about me?" she asks as if no one else has ever cared about her.

"Well, yeah," I assure her. She finally smiles. It's been a while since I saw her smile. "Now, there's that sweet smile I love to see!" I comment. We take our last bites of our omelettes, so that's my cue to get going.

I take the now empty tupperwares and head to the door. "Thank you for making me breakfast!" she politely says before I leave. "Anytime, sugar," I add as I open the door and walk out. If only I knew what awaited me once I closed the door.

Hiyoko was standing right there. I freeze a bit. "Hello there, Hiyoko," I say as smoothly as possible. She then starts bursting out laughing. "What's so funny..?" I ask with visible confusion.

She finally pulls herself together and says, "It's just so hilarious that you did end up hooking up with that skank after all!" Huh?

"I knew Y/N was gullible enough to let you in her room!" Oh. She adds on, "She's way too timid to do something like that with someone she just met! I bet you raped her! But then again, she is a skank!" She starts throwing dirty remarks left and right.

"What the hell you even sayin'!?" I demand but she keeps going. "You must have thought that a chef and a baker would be a perfect couple! I'm surprised that you could get yourself a slut like her!"

I defend Y/N. "SHUT UP! Y/N ain't no slut! I jus' made her breakfas' this morinin'!!! That's it!!!!" I don't care that my accent is showing. She laughs and delivers one final blow. "Like anyone believes THAT!" Before I can say anything, she runs off.

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