The Ultimate Chef

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The hallways aren't as crowded as my old school's was. That's a relief. It's good to know that I won't get claustrophobic while trying to get from class to class.

A few students stared at me. It's probably because I'm an ultimate. It's probably be because I don't deserve to even be here.

It felt as if all eyes were on me, even though I knew they weren't.

I try to calm myself down as I start power walking to the gymnasium. There are people all over the hallways. I duck my head to keep from any attention. When I finally get to the gymnasium, I whip open the doors.

And there they are. The ultimates.

Teruteru's POV:

The doors suddenly whip open without warning while the principal is speaking. Everyone nearly jumps out if their seats. I turn my head towards the doors...

There's a girl standing in the entrance. She immediately bows down and apologizes. "I'm so sorry, principal Kirigiri!" The principal smiles and cheerfully says, "That's alright! Take a seat, Miss L/N."

She picks her head back up. The expression on her face shows that she's clearly embarrassed. I start to study the rest of her. Beautiful H/C hair, sparkling E/C eyes, not to mention her sweet looking body... I could just about gobble her up.

I bite my lip to keep from saying anything during the silence.

She starts walking to the seat next to me. I run my comb through my pompadour and check for any hair that's out of place.

As she sits down next to me, principal Kirigiri starts talking again. Wow! She looks even more beautiful up close!

I work up the courage to say hello "Why hello there, beautiful." Did that sound too perverted? I already said it. It might be too late...

She quickly darts her eyes toward me. In a sweet and silky voice she says, "Huh? Me? B-beautiful? No... Not me. Thank you so much, though.."

A modest one. As suavely as I can, I put my hand out. "My name is Teruteru Hanamura. I'm the Ultimate Cook.. Though I prefer the title 'Ultimate Chef'."

She grabs my hand with a firm grip and shakes it intently "Nice to meet you, Teruteru! My name's Y/N L/N. I'm... The Ultimate Baker.. I hope we can get along well!" It was one of the best handshakes ever.

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