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I open my eyes and immediately close them after my head starts pounding. It doesn't help, though. I start to become aware of my environment.

That's weird.. I didn't wear bandages to the party. I'm in my comfortable bed... With... Teruteru?

How did he get here? He's snoring softly and peacefully. How cute. His arms are wrapped around my waist... Wait. Does this mean..? Oh my god.

My face turns hot after this realization. Did we hook up after the party?! I can barely remember anything after Marry, Fuck, Kill...

I gently unwrap his arms from my body, trying to be careful to not wake him. I slowly move to the edge of my bed as if every slight movement will make this migraine worse. Once I get up, a strong wave of nausea flows over me. I run to the toilet and hover my head over the bowl.

After vomiting for a bit, I see Teruteru out of the corner of my eye. I guess my vomiting was pretty loud. I flush the toilet and rinse out my mouth.

My head is really being hit with a sledgehammer at this point. I bring my hands to my temples in an attempt to relieve it. Teruteru instead hands me a bottle of Tylenol, which I gladly swallow the dosage.

"You alright, Y/N?" he whispers. "Ugh.. I didn't know a hangover would be this horrible..." I groan. Teruteru begins to walk to my kitchen while saying, "I'm gonna make you an omelette with vegetables. You need some protein."

I stop him. "What happened last night?... Why were you in my bed? Did we..." I stammer.

He laughs. "That would've been amazing, but no... Maybe next time, though. When you're in the right frame of mind." I sigh with relief. I'm glad he didn't take advantage of me. I know he's a perv, but it's horrible of me to think he would stoop that low.

"You kissed me too." He mumbles loud enough for me to hear. WHAT? "Did I really?!" I squeal. He nods with a smug look painted across his face. My face turns hot quickly. He laughs his perverted laugh that I love so much.

"Okay then... Why are there bandages on my arms?" I slowly ask. His expression fades almost immediately, replaced with a dark expression. "Oh... Shit." Is all I can say.

We stand there in silence for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. I can't believe myself. I open my mouth to speak, but Teruteru interrupts. "Y/N? What did B/N tell you in the phone call?" He asks with no emotion in his voice.

How does he know my brother's name? I never told anyone his name. I try to hold back tears as I relive the terrible things he said to me on my birthday. "It doesn't matter," I coldly brush off, my voice quivering.

He looks into my eyes. "If you can't tell me, it's alright..." His lips tremble as his words fall out of them. As much as I try, I can't stop the tears from pouring out of my eyes.

All of my secrets tumble from my mouth. "It... It's my fault my parents are dead! My mom died giving birth to me.. My dad killed himself when I was five!"

"After that, all my br... All B/N would do is hurt me! Grandpa would beat him whenever he did that. He kept on taunting me even though he knew the consequences."

Teruteru listens intently. I continue, "When grandpa died, he passed his bakery down to me. This only made him even more brutal towards me. He made my life a living hell..."

It takes me a second to realize I've collapsed on my knees on the cold bathroom floor. Teruteru is still listening to me.

"That was around the time I first started cutting myself. I stopped... But Hiyoko made me start again on the first day... Because... Sh- she reminds me of him... So much."

I start sobbing loudly. My night shirt is soaked with tears. I cover my face with my hands.

He whispers, "You had the knife to your neck... You were gonna..." He stops and looks down at his feet, his hands shaking. I gently grab both of his hands.

He looks back up at me, glassy eyed. "Y-you were gonna kill yourself, Y/N.." He finishes. He suddenly begins sobbing loudly. I pull him into a tight embrace. Both of our tears soak into each other's clothes. I manage to choke out between sobs, "I'm sorry..."

"It ain't your fault!" He wails into my night shirt. He's wrong. It is my fault. My fault that I'm an absolute mess. My fault. My fault. My fault. MY FAULT!

I shake my head. "Yes it is!" I cry. "It's my fault for everything!" We hold on to each other in silence for a while. I want to hold on forever.

Teruteru leans towards my ear and whispers, "Please... Hold on for a while. I need you." He squeezes me tighter for a moment until he pulls away. I'm a terrible person. I made him feel guilty about my own personal problems.

I stand up and follow him to the kitchen. My migraine got worse somehow. I bring my hands to my temples once again as I sit down at the table, waiting for breakfast.

"I could make some blueberry muffins..." I offer. He shakes his head and tells me that I should rest a bit.

My negative thoughts float around my head as they drown out the sizzling of the eggs. He hates me. I'm disgusting. I'm horrible. I'm the worst person ever. I don't deserve to be in Hopes Peak Academy. I don't deserve to be alive.

Teruteru POV:

I place the plate in front of Y/N. She jumps a bit. I guess she was lost in her thoughts again. I pour a glass of water for her and place it on the table as well.

She only stares at her omelette. "Eat your breakfast, Y/N... It's gonna get cold," I softly encourage. She opens her mouth to speak, only to immediately close it. I grab the knife and fork and cut the omelette into pieces for her. I glance at her for a moment before stabbing a piece with the fork.

I hold the fork of omelette up to her mouth. She opens up her mouth, inviting the omelette piece into her mouth. She closes her mouth on the fork and takes the piece. I pull out the fork to feed her another piece.

As she chews, I'm suddenly reminded of my mama; how she fed me like this when I was little. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Tears start to prick my eyes. Y/N looks up at me innocently. I can't help it. Tears start to fall down my cheeks.

I quickly bury my face in my sleeves. I start to quietly sob. I miss mama so much. I want to go back home to her. "Teruteru..." Y/N quietly whispers. Her soft hands pull my hands away from my face.

Her beautiful face is blurry from my tears. I try to stop crying, but I can't. I try to desperately wipe away my tears, but they keep pouring out of my eyes. No matter what, I can't stop crying. Y/N places her hand on my cheek. She wipes away a tear with her thumb.

She suddenly presses her soft lips against mine. Is this happening?! She's not still drunk, is she?! SHE'S KISSING ME!!

She doesn't use tongue like she did when she was drunk. She's just brushing her lips against mine.

She pulls away and it seems like she's holding back tears as well. "I love you, Teruteru Hanamura," she says in a quaky voice.

I wipe my nose with a nearby napkin. I pull her close. "I love you too, Y/N... I always have..." I whisper back.

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