More Than Friends

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A few minutes after I put the bread in the oven, I hear a knock on my door. Thinking it's Teruteru, I open the door. It's actually Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse.

"Oh. Hi, Mikan! What brings you here?" I try to say as cheerfully as possible. "I... I'm sorry to b-bother you... B-but I wanted to check up on you.." She stutters.

"Sure. Come in," I say, inviting her inside. She lightly sniffs the air when she walks in. "Ooh.. W-what smells so nice?" she politely asks. "I have banana bread in the oven," I explain. I look back up at her. "You can have some once it's done."

"O-oh! I-I don't want to be a bother... But th-thank you!" She gestures to my arms. I sit down on my bed and take the bandages off and show her my fresh cuts. I quip, "So, nurse Mikan... Will I live?" She doesn't find it funny.

Mikan walks up and checks my arms with such intent. "Th-the wounds should close up by tomorrow. The cuts aren't that deep." She explains while wrapping new clean bandages on my arm.

"H-how's your hangover?" she asks. I reply with, "Better than when I first woke up." I mumble.

"Y-you're going to be o-okay... Y-you should see a th-therapist if y-you can't stop..." Mikan suggests. "Thank you so much, Mikan," I say wholeheartedly. She seems to be taken aback by the sudden praise. "Oh.. Uh.. Y-you're welcome!" she sputters.

"Can I talk to you about something personal?" I ask. She says once again, "I-I wouldn't want to be a b-bother.." I gently grab Mikan's hand. "I'M SORRY! P-PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!" she wails. "You don't have to be sorry.." I reassure. "I just want to talk to you like a friend."

"F-friend? I-I'm your friend?" She questions. I nod sincerely. "I-I haven't r-really had a friend before... W-what should I do?"

"I just want to talk to you about Teruteru..." I try to say as calmly as possible. "Oh. Teruteru? H-he's nice, I think... B-but when I fall in an embarrassing way, he just stares..." She trails off. "I kissed him. At the party and this morning," I blurt out.

"Oh! D-did he kiss you back?" she pries. I try hard to remember. "I'm... Not sure about the party, but he definitely did this morning."

"I'm s-so h-happy for you," she says. I nod. "Thanks. I'm just confused about all of this," I admit.

She cocks her head to the side with curiosity. I continue, "I just don't know if he really sees me as more than a friend after that. We have always been flirting with each other. Hell, he even calls me sugar."

Mikan suggests, "M-m-maybe you should ask him?" I cover my hands with my face. "It's really easier said than done, Mikan..." I sigh. "I-I'm sorry..." She mumbles. "N-not even I would be able to do that..."

"I could probably try, though..." I murmur. "Thanks, Mikan." I finally say. "Huh? F-for what?" she asks. I lead her to the door. "You're a great friend!" I encourage. She's surprised again by the praise. "I am?" she asks with more energy. I nod and say goodbye to her. She waves goodbye in response before I close the door.

I race to my phone.

Y/N: Hey

Teruteru: Hey~

Y/N: Look, I'm sorry if I made things awkward with that kiss. Well, both of the kisses. And saying I love you...

Teruteru: Y/N, I wouldn't have kissed back if I didn't feel the same way

My heart flutters in my chest. As if on cue, the oven beeps loudly. I run and slip on my oven mitt. The golden-brown exterior is perfect. I place it on the counter. I grab a toothpick from the cabinet and stick it into the bread.

I take it out and see that there's no liquid on it. I smile with content. I walk back to my phone.

Y/N: Do you like banana bread?

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