Blood Of Despair

504 14 16

(!!!TW!!! SELF H@RM)

Teruteru POV:

I am introduced with Y/N slumped over a sink. There are a few droplets of blood on the floor but when she turns around, she reveals a bloody sink with carvings on both of her arms. She's holding a blood-covered pocket knife to her neck. I try to scream, but no sound comes out.

"Oh... Teruteru... Didn't see ya' theree." Y/N says in the most grave way possible. "You knooow, I'm kindaa busy here..." Her eyes are emotionless, they lost their usual sparkle. "Y/N!!" I manage to finally yell.

"Hm? Make it quick..." She responds. I cautiously walk over to her, with my hands shaking. "We need to get you bandages!" I panic. "We need to get you to a hospital!! WE NEED TO DO SOMETHIN'!!! YOU- I- WHAT ARE YOU DOIN'?!" Tears start to run down my cheeks.

She points the knife towards me. I back up a little. "You're nooot supposed to see this... Go awayyy.." She cries with no emotion in her voice.

"This isn't your faaaault, it's B/N's fault." Who's B/N? I remember her screaming that name when she was on the phone call tonight. She suddenly points the kife back at her neck.

"I just wanna make him haaaappy... He'll only be happy when I'm goone! He said so himself... Lot's of tiimes! I'm his annoying little sisteeeeeerr..." She laughs darkly. B/N is her brother's name? She never said his name to me or anyone else. Ever.

What kind of monster would say that to their little sister?! This makes my tears get stronger. I scream, "Y/N!!! Please!!! Your brother may want you dead but I need you alive!!" I run up to her and grab the knife from her hand.

She doesn't bother to fight me off. I throw it on the ground and pull her close. She collapses into my arms. I hug her tenderly. Tears trickle down her cheeks. "I'm... I'm sorry. I dunno what to do," she mumbles. It's quiet for a few moments, then Mikan bursts through the door.

"W-what's wrong?! I-I h-heard..." She begins but she's stopped when she sees the scene that lay before her eyes. She yelps and runs over to us. "W-w-hat happened?! How much b-blood did she loose?!! How m-m-many wounds are there?!? How many d-drinks did she have?!?!?" Mikan showers us with questions as she pulls Y/N away from my embrace.

I pull at my hair and panic. "I dunno! I was jus' 'bout to tell her that we need to get goin', then I open the door to her trynna kill herself!!!!!" I cry my eyes out. Mikan washes off Y/N's arms in the sink, to reveal even more scars that seem to have been on her arms for a while.

"I should've known! I SHOULD'A STOPPED HER WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!!" I begin to hyperventilate. "K-k-keep calm, Teruteru! We d-don't want her to freak out!" Mikan tries to say as calmly as possible, but I can tell she's also panicking.

"I'm fiiiiine!" Y/N tells both me and Mikan. Mikan quietly says to her, "Y/N... Y-you're going to bleed out if I d-don't treat you!" Mikan gets up to get paper towels from the dispenser. Y/N laughs darkly again and says, "That was the whooole point..."

I cry out, "Don't say that!" Mikan tries desperately to shush me. She instructs me to put pressure on her wounds while she runs to get her first aid kit out of her car. I'm alone with Y/N again.

I apply pressure on both of her arms like Mikan says. "Why didn't you tell me..?" I quietly cry out. Y/N turns towards me. "No one cares..." she says. I look into her emotionless eyes. She finishes with, "Not even my own brotherrr."

This only brings more tears to my eyes. I touch my forehead with her's. She's been hurting all this time.. I should've noticed before all of this.

Mikan runs back with bandages. "O-okay.. I've g-got it, Teruteru. Th-thanks for the help," she reassures. I leave the restroom in silence while Mikan treats Y/N.

I sit at a table as I wait for Y/N. I start violently punching myself and pulling my hair. I'm numb to the pain until I pause. I'm such an idiot. I should've known this was going on. It would've been so horrible if I had waited any longer.

The thought of Y/N's cold, lifeless, and bloody body laying on the restroom floor fills me with a despair that I can't ever describe. I pull at my hair even harder.

As soon as my breath begins to slow down, Mikan walks over to me with Y/N practically being carried by her. New bandages wrap around both of her arms. We both walk her to my car and place her in the front passenger seat.

We go back to the building to put all of the presents in the trunk. Mikan helps me with the heavier presents and I keep the fragile presents out of her reach. We both close the trunk. I can't help but look at Y/N passed out through the window.

Mikan whispers to me, "Ch-change the bandages e-every day or s-so until the wounds naturally close up... A-and m-make sure she gets back t-to her room safely... I... I would keep an eye on her tonight.." I mouth the words, "Thank you" to her. She places a bottle of Tylenol in my hand, signaling that it's for Y/N's hangover she'll have in the morning.

I get into the driver's seat. Y/N is passed out next to me. We're both exhausted for different reasons. I begin driving back to the school, trying to focus on the road instead of what happened tonight.

When I park at the parking lot, I get out of the driver's seat and walk to the other side of the car. I open up the passenger door. I place a hand on Y/N's cheek and whisper in her ear, "Sugar... Wake up. We're here. We just need to get to your room. Can you get up?"

She groans softly and tries to get out of the car. I end up needing to help her out. Poor thing... She can barely even open her eyes. "You can lean on me. It's alright..." I assure her.

We walk down the dark entrance to the dorms. When we reach her room, I tell her to give me her key. She does so, allowing me to unlock the door. We both take off our shoes at the entrance.

She stumbles to her dresser and takes out a night shirt. Not caring that I'm here, she begins undressing.

I stare for a moment, but then I realize that I shouldn't and turn towards the wall. I hear her flop on her bed, which means she's done changing. As much as I'd like to sleep next to her, I grab a pillow and a blanket. I place them next to the bed and walk to the light switch.

Y/N looks so... Out of it. I quietly tell her goodnight, which she mumbles back to me as I turn off the lights. I'm about to lay down on the floor, but Y/N mumbles something. "Yes, Y/N?" I quietly respond.

"Can you please sleep next to me?" She mumbles a little louder. My cheeks become hot. "A-are you sure..?" I whisper. "Yes please...." Her voice quivers a bit when she says this. I climb into the bed. She wraps her arms around me, which takes me by surprise.

The warmth of her body is so mesmerising. I never want to leave her side. I want to keep her safe. "I love you, Teruteru...." She whispers before dozing off. I wrap my arms around her. I don't want anything like what happened tonight to happen again. It takes me a few seconds to realize I'm crying.

"I... Love you too, Y/N... Happy birthday." I whisper back through tears.

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