First Kiss

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Teruteru POV:

I'm dancing to the hype music with Y/N. She holds a cup of alcohol in her hand. Good thing I'm driving her back to the school... If she keeps this up, she won't be able to stand up properly. She seems alright compared to how she was about an hour ago.

A slow love song starts to play on the speaker. Everyone grabs a partner to dance with. I move closer to Y/N. I say, "Would you have this dance with me, sugar?" She laughs drunkenly and nods her head. I place my hands on her hips and she puts her free hand on my shoulder.

It starts out awkward since she's taller than me, but we slowly get the hang of it. Her slow dancing is a bit sloppy, but that's probably because she's drunk. She takes lots of sips of her cup while dancing. Towards the end of the song, she bends down to reach my height.

Before I can ask her what she's even doing, she pulls me closer. Her soft lips touch mine. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?!

She lightly bites my bottom lip, making me open my mouth a little. She takes the chance to dominate my tongue with her's. She tastes like alcohol, but I don't mind. My nose starts to bleed like crazy. She pulls away and laughs.

I laugh nervously. I'm a blushing mess. I never knew Y/N was this kinky. I stagger away just to hide what's happening with my pants. Did she actually mean that, or was that just her being drunk? I hope it's at least a bit of both. When the song finally ends, she walks away from me. I wipe my nose and I decide to follow her.

She's at the alcohol table for about the 4th time tonight. I grab the bottle from her before she can pour herself another cup. "Hey, hey, hey!! Easy there! I think you've had enough!" I exclaim. She tries to grab it from me, but I keep it out of her reach. "Giiiive iiiiiiit!!!!" Y/N whines like a toddler.

"No! This isn't healthy for you to be having this much!" I explain. She keeps reaching for the bottle. "Fuck yoooou! Give it to meeee!" she begs.

"I'm sorry, sugar. But I can't. You're already way too drunk," I say. She finally gives up and pouts, "Fiiine! Just let me finish my cup!!" she drinks the rest of her cup and throws it on the ground.

She stumbles her way to the women's restroom. I sigh with relief. Crisis averted. I dance for a few more songs before I sit down at a table.

A few minutes later, the party begins to die down and people start leaving. What a way to end the night. I realize that Y/N has been in the restroom for a while. Maybe she's passed out or throwing up... I run to the door of the women's restroom and knock on the door.

"Y/N..? It's time to go," I call out. No response. I begin to get worried. I call out her name one more time. "Alright I'm coming in!" I warn before I open the door. If only I knew what awaited me when I opened that door...

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