Dinner Is Served

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Me and Teruteru serve our food to each table. I assure each person that they may get a second cupcake from the other plate sitting on the empty table.

Everyone looked ready to dig in. Well.. Except for this one girl. I think her name is Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer. She gives a disgusted look but starts to eat anyways.

Teruteru has also finished serving everyone and walks back up to me. He hands me a plate of grilled steak with a side of baked potato.

"That's alright. I'm not hungry," I politely decline. Teruteru insists, "Nonsense! You haven't even eaten lunch today."

That's true...

I give in and grab the plate. I sit down in an empty seat and Teruteru sits down next to me with his own plate.

I cut the steak with a knife and stab one of the pieces with a fork and I take a bite.

The meat isn't too tough or soft, but it was just perfect. A little bit of the juices from the meat came out after each chew. I close my eyes. No wonder he's the Ultimate Cook! Er.. Chef.

When I open my eyes back up, Teruteru is looking up at me. He quietly asks, "Do you.. like it?" I give him the most enthusiastic response. "Like it? I LOVE it! This is the best steak I've ever tasted in my whole entire life!"

Teruteru says, looking proud, "Why thank you, sugar! It's my mama's recipe." He said those words in a southern accent. I ignore this and swallow the rest of the meat. Now there's the baked potato.

Just looking at it, I can tell this will be amazing. I scoop up a piece with my fork and put it in my mouth.

It explodes with flavor. Every bite was potato-ey goodness. That's not even a word, but words can't describe how amazing this meal is. This is such an upgrade from my brother's instant noodles.

My brother... I didn't even say goodbye to him this morning. I feel a bit guilty but that feeling quickly goes away when I remind myself that he won't even notice I'm gone.

I finish my baked potato and put my fork down. I put my hands together. "Thank you for the food," I say with meaning because, well, I mean it.

"My pleasure," he says in his usual pervy tone as he runs a comb through his chocolate brown hair.

I look over to the other tables. Akane Owari, the Ultimate Gymnast is wolfing down everyone's leftovers. Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess is gracefully eating her cupcake while Kazuichi Soda, the Ultimate Mechanic has his eyes on her.

Then I see that Hiyoko girl. Her eyes are shot at me and Teruteru's direction. She's glaring daggers and us. If looks could kill, me and him would be dead in an instant.

I sip down my glass of water as I try to distract myself from her death glare. I ask Teruteru, "Do you by any chance know why that girl Hiyoko is looking at us like that? It's making me nervous.."

He shrugs and says, "She looks at everyone like that." He laughs lightly and adds, "It might also be because I tried to hit on her." He continues eating his food.

When I look back, she's gone. Thank goodness. I get up from my seat to put away my plate, but something sweeps me from under my feet and I fall forwards. "Shit!" I cry out right before I hit the ground.

Teruteru POV:

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Y/N tripping on something. I whip my head around and call out her name. But it's too late. She's already on the ground.

I immediately get up from my seat to help her, but I get... distracted...

Her skirt is all the way up and I can see her underwear. The shape of her is perfect... Her underwear compliments her curves beautifully. My face turns red and blood drips from my nose. I feel my pants get tighter.

People rush over to her to help her up. Except for Hiyoko. She looks directly at me and loudly says, "You're enjoying this aren't you, pervert!?" Everyone looks back at me to see me, bloody nose and all. I stammer, "W-w-wait! No! I-I..." Letting my accent slip a little. No words came out after that.

I look back at Y/N, who's gasping for air due to having the wind knocked out if her. I'm the biggest idiot in the world. I should've helped her up instead of standing here like a disgusting pervert.

I wipe my nose with my napkin and rush over to Y/N. Mikan sat her up so she can breathe better. Everyone is asking if she's okay. At least that's what I can make out of all the noise that's going on.

Her breath hardly steadies at all. She slowly asks with a worried face, "Did... Anyone... See..... Anything?" Before anyone says anything Hiyoko yells, "Of course everyone saw your underwear! Next time wear shorts under your skirts so the pervert cook can't get off to it, clumsy slut!"

A pained looks paints Y/N's face. Mikan studders, "H-Hiyoko. T-thats not-" Hiyoko interrupts, "Quiet, you pig barf!" Mikan squeals and apologizes.

When Y/N is finally able to stand up again and Mikan stops worrying, her lips part and tremble a little. She covers her face with her hands. I try to walk up to her, but she squirms away from me.

And just like that, she's running away. I call out, "Y/N! Wait!" I try to run after her, but Hiyoko makes another snarky comment. "What are you doing? Are going to try to hook up with the skank now that you made her cry?!" She yells after me.

I stop and look back. Everyone is staring at me with disappointed and disgusted faces...

I messed up bad...

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