The begining

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Chapter one

Third person

The darkness has ended. Jack and the yeast of the guardians had defeated Pitch. Even though they all knew the same thing...he'll be back. They all will wait for that day for Pitch to come back. They'll stand tall together and wait for that day.

Little did they know they were going to get another guardian to stop Pitch.

Anna's P.O.V

Man I loved the forest. Hi I'm Anna! I guess you'd like to know what I looked like and who I was. Well, I have bright blond hair, a light green pair of eyes with a dark violet around them, I'm tall for my age which was eleven and I am 5'8. I also have lots of freckles. I was average weight and normal grade which is 6th. And then I normally wear boy shorts and some dark colored shirt, but never, EVER, pink or any girl color. :)

Now about myself. I was adopted or by adopted I mean found in these very forest alone in the cold. Actully it was last year I was found. I don't remember anyone or how I got there. I just remember waking up with no idea of who I was except for my name.

I love sports too.

Anyway I was walking around just minding my own buisness when I made my way to the very place I was found, the lake. I loved the lake, especially in the winter unloved to walk and skate around on the ice even if it might break. And since it was December 3 it was frozen.

I got the skates from a bush I hid them in every year and pulled them on. It was the best thing ever skating around even if I felt like I was being watched.

A few minutes went by when I saw the bush shake at the end of the lake. I skated toward it. But when I got to the middle of the lake I heard a crack in the lake. It was a crack. It started circling me until I couldn't move a mistake or I'd fall in. Oh well, I thought to myself, I guess it's time for me to go now. I closed my eyes about to fall in ounce the last crack gave away. "No!" I heard some voice I didn't recognize as I plunged into the freezing water. It hit me like a billion knifes going through my whole body.

I tried swimming up but I couldnt. The last thing I saw was the bright glow of the moon through the ice before everything went black

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