Chapter 6 : Mingi?

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Author p.o.v

Their arrival at Carabo went smoothly, as in no one tried to kill us smoothly, as we reached port the only sounds we heard were that of a overjoyed Yunho, who was glad we finally made port. He had a hard time adapting to the constantly ever moving sea, while Jongho on the other hand had zero difficulties adapting.

Hongjoong p.o.v

Reading to set off to explore Carobo port I asked, "Who wants too come?", Yunho's hand shot up faster than a bullet. Jongho just shrugged and said, "I'll stay and guard the ship", I nodded in response and we left.

"O land how I have missed de!", Yunho exclaimed as walked around the town, I rolled my eyes to his antics as we made our way to a field. Stopping for a bit I took in the beautiful flower the field had they were gorgeous with colors ranging from black to pink.

Looking at Yunho who was admiring the flowers as well I felt a strong grip on my left arm, spinning around I harshly pulled off the persons hand and backed away until I felt Yunho's shoulder, the hooded figure retracted his hand, "Who are you!?", I shouted in angered tone, which spooked yunho as he has never heard me shout.

The hooded figure slowly pulled his hood away to reveal his face, he features were sharp his eyes especially, he was tall height the same height as yunho, his short brown hair dancing in the gentle breeze.

"Mingi......?", I asked in a wary tone, the figure answered, "Hongjoong you finally escaped", my eyes widened in shock, " went overboard you died..h-how?", I stammered out in shock.

Mingi was one of the soliders I trained with durning my time in the academy he was the only you would actually help me it was a give and take situation I help him he help me. But during a Watergate training Mingi started to rebel and was sent over the gate into a raging tempest. That was the day I had made up my mind that I would leave that place.

"How.....well I myself aint sure how but after being thrown over I woke up here", mingi said as he scratched the back of his head. I ran to him and hugged him then impact caused us to sink to our knees....I just let out my emotions I missed him. Taking his face in my hands I could see he was crying too wiping the tears I hugged him and let him cry on my shoulder.

After our crying session, I looked over to yunho who was standing their watching us awkwardly walking over to us he said, "Soooo....since you two reunited we should probably go back to looking for what we came for", looking at yunho I nodded, "Yunho this is Mingi, Mingi this is Yunho", they shook each other's hand. "What are you guys looking for", Mingi asked, "weapons",yunho answered nonchalantly, 'Yunho seems a bit wary of Mingi', I said to myself, Yunho had decided to walk right next to me and let Mingi walk to his right.

Making our way towards a shop I stood and talked to the vendor, while I let Mingi and Yunho have their own little conversation. Well that 'little' conversation turned into a full blown argument. Which brings us to where we are right now on the ship with a tangled Jongho, a fuming Yunho and a knocked out Mingi.

It had turned out that Yunho was much to cautious of Mingi and began bombarding him with questions which lead to them fighting and well where we are now, in Jongho's case I really didn't get time to ask.

Looking at the sprawled out Mingi, I turned to go unravel Jongho who was looking at Mingi as if he was a foriegn creature. After untangling him I told him to explain to me later how he got in that predicament and then told him to wake Mingi.

Taking a stick that was randomly laying on deck, he stooped next to Mingi and began poking him with the stick. Turning to the still fuming Yunho who was know pouting I asked, "Why....did you think it was good idea to pick a fight with each other?", he turned to me with his puppy eyes and pout and began, "....well...I...I dont know dont you think this was to sudden I mean sure he's your friend but what if he brings trouble....or worse what if he hurts you...then what are you just gonna leave me and Jongie...I was just being cautious.....but I'm not sorry for knocking him out..", he finished with a huff, I sighed, "I'm sorry Yunho i should have said something to you first before......but I...I...I promised I wouldn't leave you what makes you think I'll break that....I know Mingi may still be a bit of a stranger but I'm sure he means well...just give him a chance..", I said.

Yunho looked down at me eyes still filled with worry and said, "If he dares hurt you or anyone aboard this ship I will personally put him in his grave", giving him a small smile I walked over to see if Jongho had made any progress in wake Mingi who was wide awake but didn't get up, he just laid their and let Jongho poke all over.

Lending a hand to him I pulled him up to his feet, "You good?", i asked, he nodded but hide behind me when Yunho approached.

"We still need to go get weapons", yunho reminded me. Right ....shit I forgot about that...

"Mingi do you know where their are any good blacksmiths here?", I asked Mingi he replied, "Yeah I know one I can take you their if you want", I nodded and said, "Then let's go so we can come back before sunset", the three of us set out again leaving behind Jongho who said to bring him back a snack.

After a while of walking we turned into an alley way, which is where we meet him a figure dressed in pure black from head to toe, he bounced of the wall he was leaning on and came at us with speed we could hardly register the attack as well as the new found fog that had rolled in, I could hear the shouts of Mingi and Yunho but everything became disoriented my vision began to swirl and the voices were gone everything became black.

One's p.o.v

After the fog cleared Mingi and Yunho were back to back quickly Yunho began looking around for his tiny brother that was no where to be found......


Behind the scenes

Yunho and Mingi: 😈👿💀☠👹🔪🔪🔪

Jongho and hongjoong: *backing away slowly to avoid blood splatter*

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