Chapter 13 : Red eyes

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Red eyes

No one's p.o.v

His breathe grew cold as if the temperature around him had dropped in a split second. The sound of ringing filled his ears as if he was standing infront a cannon that had just fired. His body flashed with hot white pain as he stumbled to hold onto something to keep him balanced. Pulling on the vine in a desperate attempt to attain balance caused the vine to snap, sending him spiralling down the side of the hill down into the open cave below it, only the sound of his body thudding against the moss covered ground of the cave could be heard, it was loud but not loud enough to alert the others, who were split up into group him opting to go alone. God was that a mistake.

Seonghwa could only lay on the damp moss covered floor and wait, thankfully the floor had a good amount of moss on it to prevent from having any major flesh wounds but he knew with that fall we was sure to have broken a rib or two. His vision blurred, as he fazed in and out of consciousness the only thing he saw before blacking out was those red eyes looking at him.


Author p.o.v

Hongjoong had this gut feeling like something had happened,turning to Yunho to see if the male was beside him he sighed as he watched the male picked wildflowers making them into a flower crown for Wooyoung. "This is the 20th time you sighed just this past hour, if you think something bad happened just go check on them",Yunho said as he sat down on the sand. They both decided to stay close to the ship, while the other broke off into group to look around, what he was afraid of was someone getting hurt, seonghwa had also opted to going alone which heightened his worries. Pacing around for a bit he decided to go look for them he had just about enough worrying done to make even Yunho start to get worried.

The lush vegetation was thick, different smells and feels that would make anyone squeamish with a single touch. Hongjoong tried his best not to touch any extra weird looking just incase it was venomous and what not.

The sudden rustling of leaves behind him made him look back, with the density of the canopy above which feeded little to no light to its underside made looking for anything that might attack all the more difficult. Hongjoong pulled out his short sword and held it in his hand cautiously as he advanced forward still sparing glances to his surroundings as he moved.


Author p.o.v

Seonghwa groaned as he sat up, everything ached, he glanced at his surroundings, which had drastically changed, it was as if he was in a hut or something remotely close to one, he slowly got up from the palm leave bedding and limped out what seemed to be the door, he was greeted by the smell of smoke from a burnt out fire, amber's still glowing spots of red as white ash blew with the breeze.

His sat by the fire taking in some of its dying warmth, as he looked at the view from where he was, on top a hill that overlooked a small portion of the island.

Everything looked peaceful....surreal almost...but one question played in Seonghwa's mind....who brought him here?.....


Author p.o.v

Yunho let out a sneeze as he finished make his flower crown, and was now awaiting the arrival of the others. The first to come through the were Mingi and Yeosang who went out looking for a water source.

"Did you guys find any?",Yunho asked as he passed out a water sachet to Mingi who took a sip before giving it to Yeosang. " a good hours walk from here",Yeosang answers while wiping his hand over his mouth wiping away the excess water running down his chin.

The second group to come back were Wooyoung, San and Jongho, who out of the three looked pissed. "What happened?",Mingi asked Jongho which earned snickers from the woosan duo. Jongho's eyebrow twitched upon hearing the two snickering, seemed that they had pranked him multiple times while out and he was just waiting for the right time to get back at them. But sadly for Jongho that time wasn't now, right now he needed to get the wild berry paste from his hair out quickly before he came a bee's hive.

The only pair that didn't return yet was Seonghwa and Hongjoong, which prompted Yunho to look worriedly at the green rainforest. "Stop worrying, their probably with each other as we speak god only knows what their doing",Mingi said as he took a seat next to Yunho who was placing the flower crown he made on Wooyoung's head earning heart melting giggles from the boy. " dont know what could happen in there?",Yunho said, "That's right we don't but you still gotta trust him and Seonghwa",Mingi says to Yunho while placing a hand atop the others shoulder. Yunho just sighed.


Author p.o.v

Hongjoong had by now journeyed quiet some distance into the rainforest, by now he was sticky with sweat, dirt and other thing that had attached themselves to him as he walked past some overgrown bushes.

He walked through the underbrush until he made it to the clearing. The noon sun bearing down on him harshly as he walked through the expanse of the open plain, their where two hills one being a bit smaller than the other, but the taller still under the height requirement to be a mountain. Walking through the plain, he felt eyes on him, as if some one was watching his every move. The feeling only increased as he walked closer to the base of taller of the two hills, it was if whoever or whatever was watching him was so close....but why couldn't Hongjoong see it.


No one's p.o.v

The mans black hat still managed to stay on his head even through the harsh winds. The rain beating the ship from all directions not once moving him. His grip on the wheel tight as he watched the other members of the crew run around the deck securing the ropes of the sails from the massive ship.

He looked ahead at the small glimmers of sunlight that shone through the dark clouds, his eyes the colour of the storm itself, his face was set with determination as he braced through the storm.


Author p.o.v

Seonghwa had managed to muster up enough strength to pull himself to his feet and break of a long stick to balance on so he could walk easier. Taking his first few steps felt like hell, his lungs burned with every step, noy to mention he was still confused as to how he had reached here.

He had the odd suspicion that it could have been the thing with red eyes that might have brought him here. He limped down the slope holding onto vines to help him balance himself as he walked, "Fuck....",he whispered as he almost slipped down the mud path, hand grasped tightly onto the stick and the loose roots that were sticking out of the ground. He whimpered as he took more steps, his chest was hurting, his breathe was getting shorter and shorter with each passing minute, he felt like he was about to pass out again but this time, it definitely wouldn't end pretty.

He was almost at the base of the hill when he tripped again, this time hurting his ankle in the process, but he didn't hit the cold forest floor instead he hit someone's hard chest.


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