Chapter 16 : Captain

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No one's p.o.v

"Wake up!", the voice shouted, hongjoong stirred not really taking on the voice trying to pry him away from his precious sleep, but when a sudden kick came to his rids he immediately shot up in pain clutching his pulsing side as he looked at his attacker.

The man wore all black, which was also accompanied by a black fedora that lay atop his head obscuring his face, his brown mullet fully showing from the angle, that hongjoong watched him from as he backed up and leaned against a wooden barrel.

He looked around his surroundings to see himself in a side alley, the hard stone beneath him making his hands legs hurt, as the strong stench of decaying wood and rum assaulted Hongjoong's sense of smell.

He looked at his assailant, who was standing tall, while looking down at hongjoong, he could sense the pride and confidence that radiated of the other man as he stared down at him.

"What are you so pathetic that you can't deal with a little bit of pain?",the man asked condescendingly while smirking at hongjoong, who had pulled himself up and was now regaining balance by leaning on the barrel.

"Who are you?",hongjoong said still in pain, "Tsk, who do you can call me captain for the time until I feel your ready to know my name",the man said walking to hongjoong grabbing him by the hand and started pulling him along into the open street, walking past people who seemed not to see the weird man pulling someone, "Dont worry about them they can't see us",he said still pulling hongjoong his grip surely leaving a bruise the boys wrist.

"What do you mean they can't see us?",hongjoong asked as he tried to keep up with the other. Captain sighed and let go off Hongjoong's wrist, he walked to someone and punched them square in the nose but his fist went through the person, this made hongjoong gulp.

"See they can't see, hear or feel us ",he said walking infront of Hongjoong. Hongjoong looked at the male jet wore a pair of black leather boots which had high 3 inch heels making him just a bit taller than hongjoong.

"Come on", Captain said, now grabbing Hongjoong's arm pulling him along to a ship.

"What the...",hongjoong said as he watched in aw of the massive ship.

"Come on stop wasting time!",Captain shouted from the plank leading onto the ship. Stepping in board made hongjoong feel small compared to his ship everything was huge, "Stop lagging!",Captain shouted as he made his way up to the captain's quarters.......his quarters.

"Why am I here?",hongjoong asked with much doubt his voice. "To see what going on in the land of the living",Captain said while picking up a crystal ball, "I'M DEAD!", hongjoong shrieks making Captain glare at him with but hongjoong couldn't see it only the displeasure his lower face showed in the noise he made.,p/>

"No, your not dead, just unconscious...see theirs your body",he said pointing at the crystal ball in his hand, Hongjoong's body was in a sleep like state propes up against the wall of the hut red box clutched tightly in his arms.

"Oh really..... what are you looking for exactly?",hongjoong asked the man as he slide his finger against the surface of the ball repositioning it to show a different area.

"To see him",he said, as he stroked the part of the crystal ball with man.

"S-seonghwa?",hongjoong said questioningly, Captain looked up at him but still not revealing his face and shook his head.

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