Chapter 14 : "who?"

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Seonghwa p.o.v

"Mingi.......what are you doing here?", seonghwa asked voice sore. Mingi looked at him with big eyes as he grasped onto Seonghwa tighter holding the other male up. "I could ask you the same thing....what the hell happened to you? look like you fell of a cliff",Mingi said while placing the other males arm over his shoulders in order to support him. "Your not far off...",seonghwa said letting out a breathless chuckle, "Yea..lets get you back to ship..I think you might have hit your head to hard",Mingi stated as they started their trip back to the ship.


Author p.o.v

Hongjoong had covered a substantial amount of distance by this time he had already scaled half the hill or so it seemed.

The rainforest became silent, in a matter of seconds, not a creature made a sound, it was like everything was waiting in anticipation...but for what.

That 'what' came in the form of Hongjoong being tackled by someone from behind causing both parties to roll down the slop. Hongjoong had managed to grad onto something mid roll to keep him from rolling any further the person who attacked him was now balancing himself against a tree, those red eyes focused on hongjoong like a predator to its prey. The man was fairly older looking and muscular his tanned skin giving him a very rugged appearance paired with the dirty clothes he wore.

The man lunged again this time with more strength. Hongjoong managed to roll away in time before the mans first could have come in contact with his face.

"How the hell are you alive !?", the man shouted his deep voice booming across the forest. "W-what?",was all hongjoong could have mustered, he dodged attacks from the man while grasping his bleed shoulder.

"You know what I mean you dead water bilgerat, she killed you, so why are you still alive!?",the man shouted still trying to land a blow on hongjoong, who was this close to receiving one if it wasn't for the terrain making him fall back.

"I-I really dont know who you think I am but can you stop trying to kill me first so we could talk!?",hongjoong shouted as he stumbled back onto a tree, hands balled in a fist waiting for the other man to come at him.

"What do you mean?",the man asked now standing a few feet from hongjoong eyes still training on him. "I dont know who the hell you think I am !",hongjoong shouted at the man as he got up from the ground. "It couldn't be your a splitting image of him except for the long hair", the man murmured to himself, "What's you name?",he asked voice laced with hostility. "H-hongjoong",hongjoong said while stuttering.

The man stood confused for a minute before turning back to face hongjoong, "Well I be damned by the gods", the man said while taking a closer step towards hongjoong.


Author p.o.v

As they stepped out into the clearing, Mingi got seonghwa lifted off his shoulders by Jongho who carried him to the ship, Yunho following closely behind.

Yeosang came beside Mingi and asked, "What happened to him?", yeosang asked as they watched the trio make their way up the ship to treat seonghwa's injuries.

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