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Not related to the book just a special for Jongho's birthday.

Jongies's birthday.

Author p.o.v

The soft light of the sun peeked in through the white curtains, the lump that laid on the bed slightly shifted as he heard whispers from outside his and his hyungs shared room.

Turning around to face the door, he saw  that the door was slightly cracked open, since he was already awake he settled check out what the commotion was about looking at the other beds he was surprised that his hyungs were wake so early since Wooyoungie hyung takes very long until he actually gets out of ie bed.

Slipping on his bunny slippers he walked to the door and swinged it open.
He was meet with a Mingi hyung covered in cake frosting, a red Seonghwa hyung whose was furiously cleaning the frosting of Mingi, a tired Wooyoungie hyung who was still in pajamas, a equally sleepy Sanie hyung holding shiber while draping onto Yunho hyung's back who was trying his hardest not to laugh at Mingi hyung, Yeosang hyung was just standing their and Hongjoong hyung looked so done.

Jongho p.o.v

Yeosang hyung noticed me first and tapped Hongjoong hyung on his shoulder motioning towards me,
"Happy Birthday Jongho!",Hongjoong said while coming to give me a pat on the head, Seonghwa hyung realised I was now wake and sighed, turning to me he said,
"Sorry if we waked you we were planning a surprise but it didn't work out."

I laughed at what seonghwa said as I looked at the frost covered Mingi hyung.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY JONGHO !!",they said in unison as they have me a groung hug.

Happy Birthday to Our Apple Breaking Maknea.❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗💓


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